[Repost] It's time to talk about the newest Q posts, 8kun shut down, and what appears to be attempts to silence Q from communicating with us (see comments)

I believe "nuclear attack" news were comms. Someone thought something big and damaging was going to drop and raised the alarm (or alternatively, called in the strike). Maybe that is why 8kun is down. Maybe that's why Canada's internet went dark for nearly a whole day.
I dont think we need Q posts anymore tbh, we're already drowning in proofs and things are far more in the open now. I would expect more public proofs and happenings to intensify soon.
This, it could be for their benefit, nuclear information is the kind of information that people gets people killaried.
Im with you guys, very plausible. Take all of my upvoats!
Thank you, I sometimes wonder why people so determined that the zero delta and truth social Q are really Q.
When TS admitted it, the guy I responded to logically explained how the ZDQ is not Q and that Q really has given us all that we need, and he sent new coms when they were necessary. I try to look at the big picture of what's going on in the world to watch and read, and analyze things. It seems like all hell is breaking loose and in some sense it is, but not so much for us, as the deep state. EVERY DAY more and more that was once hidden is being exposed, this stuff isn't new, it's always been there, and it was always going on, the difference is now we can see what's going on.
Dark to Light the worms are being exposed and they are being dealt with in one way or another.
I think the people that want so desperately to believe the ZD and TS posters are really Q should go back and reread the Q posts. I'm reading through them for the first time and I am seeing things I never saw before.
For example in the beginning posts instead of signing them as Q the posts kept ending as Alice and Wonderland, I think that was how they were signing at first instead of just using Q.
Canada's internet didn't go down for a day, unless you are a Rogers customer or with a provider that piggybacks on Rogers. Everybody else was fine.
Doesnt Rogers control like 90% of internet users in Canada?
No, not to my knowledge. There are other providers like Bell, Shaw, Telus as well as local independants. However, Rogers has something big to do with the Interac payment system as nearly the entire country couldn't pay with debit for that day but, could pay with credit cards. I'm in the Prairies and my internet wasn't interuppted in any way but, my GF had to use her Visa to make a purchase.
I don't know the percentage, but it would be double digits, and less than 50%.