Was what happened the first time the same as the second time?
Why did the same result happen each time?
What force is making sure that each time you drop the rock under the same circumstances, the same result occurs?
In other words, what force maintains predictable outcomes?
That's reality.
When events occur which don't produce expected results given the same input, that's when you're dealing with the supernatural.
When you perform an action and expect a result that is not consistent with previous instances of that action, you are acting either on faith or delusion.
The difference between faith and delusion is that faith rests in improbability while delusion rests on impossibility.
It's not impossible for someone to hit 100 home runs in a row. It's just very improbable.
It is impossible to hit 100 home runs without a bat. No matter how many times you swing, you're not gonna knock that ball out of the park.
Believing you can hit 100 home runs is Faith. Believing you can hit 100 home runs without a bat is Delusion.
Reality is understanding the difference between the two.
What a brilliant comment. They're stuck in a feedback loop with other delusional people, ingesting images and agitprop and heavy indoctrination from other "smart" people, so they have no idea they're deluded.
Pick up a rock.
Drop that rock.
What happened to the rock?
Pick up the rock again.
Drop it again.
What happened to the rock the second time?
Was what happened the first time the same as the second time?
Why did the same result happen each time?
What force is making sure that each time you drop the rock under the same circumstances, the same result occurs?
In other words, what force maintains predictable outcomes?
That's reality.
When events occur which don't produce expected results given the same input, that's when you're dealing with the supernatural.
When you perform an action and expect a result that is not consistent with previous instances of that action, you are acting either on faith or delusion.
The difference between faith and delusion is that faith rests in improbability while delusion rests on impossibility.
It's not impossible for someone to hit 100 home runs in a row. It's just very improbable.
It is impossible to hit 100 home runs without a bat. No matter how many times you swing, you're not gonna knock that ball out of the park.
Believing you can hit 100 home runs is Faith. Believing you can hit 100 home runs without a bat is Delusion.
Reality is understanding the difference between the two.
What a brilliant comment. They're stuck in a feedback loop with other delusional people, ingesting images and agitprop and heavy indoctrination from other "smart" people, so they have no idea they're deluded.
Nicely put together man!
wooh, philosopher anon, i wonder if there is a philosopherpepe avatar for you?