Maricopa County Mail-In Ballots Clearly Reveal Party Affiliation- This Is ILLEGAL
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Let’s leave the disinformation to the libtards guys.
This window in question is in the envelope that delivers the blank ballot to you.
The return envelope that contains your marked ballot contains no such window.
I am in maricopa county.
Thank you! Please Contact the Gateway pundit, and inform them of the error.
I did
You don't understand this particular rig.
Ballots come back as "undeliverable" from USPS. They can sort all the Democrat ballots without opening them and then cast votes for Democrat candidates using Democrat ballots. The Republican "undeliverable" get tossed to the side OR they vote a lower percentage Republican to keep things appearing to be "real".
As someone else mentioned - these ballots are for the primaries - not the general. The political parties run their own primaries, so that means the Republicans did that on their own. I agree it is stupid because there is no reason for party affiliation to be visible, but it isn't some sort of a cheat or anything. I went through the same thing a few years ago when I was temporarily living in Florida and I freaked out until I thought about it. It's the same as when you go to a primary in person and they ask you - Republican or Democrat - so you can get the right ballot.
As for tossing them - That would serve no purpose. In fact it could bring unnecessary heat on the cheaters at the post office. Tossing a bunch of Republican ballots doesn't help the Democrats in a primary because each party has their own ballots and the parties are not in competition. Note - I don't know how those goofy states like CA do it with their jungle primary but I suspect nobody's vote matters there anyway.
If it happens during the general, that's another story altogether.
The parties don't really run their own elections. The county creates and distributes the ballots for all elections.
The Republicans don't design the ballot the County does.
It 100% is a cheat. Ballots that come back from USPS can easily be held in purgatory until they need them.
Again - this is a primary. Explain how you think holding back republican ballots helps democrats in a primary. You do realize that only republican candidates and initiatives are on republican ballots, right?
USPS holding back republican mail-in ballots could sway republican candidates on republican ballots by removing all those votes, so the vote would be weighed more heavily towards in-person voters, but that is assuming an anomaly. That could happen if for example:
Popular candidate A has a scandal during early voting that would probably cause a loss in the General election
Candidate B is not as popular as Candidate A
Most early voters have mailed their ballots before the scandal, and most likely voted for candidate A
In-Person voters know Candidate A is scum so they vote for Candidate B, but there are fewer in-person voters than mail-in voters.
In this case if USPS "lost" most of the republican ballots it is possible that would give the republican win to candidate B, who the democrats likely want because the scandal will hurt the republicans and help their democrat candidate.
This is basically the only way losing mail-in votes could help the dems, and even this very specific scenario is dubious. If they chose the wrong locality they might be losing the wrong ballots. If they lose too many there will be investigations - especially since I believe you can look to see if your vote was tallied in Arizona.
It is a stupid practice, and if I had to guess I'd say it is there purely to help the counties sort the envelopes so they can toss them in the right bins. If they did this in the General then yes - 100% cheat. Primary elections - no.
You do realize they can select the weaker Republican to run by modifying ballots, right?
Except, if you know it is republican, then it's easy to identify which to steal and turn in with the repub that the cabal wants in.
The cabal is both parties - remember the uniparty? They could have USPS take ALL of the ballots, change what they want on both parties, and remail. Same difference.
Or they can focus on the party that they have the least control over and not waste resources or increase the risk of getting caught. Risk/reward analysis. Dems are all owned so no need to put your neck out to mess with that primary.
The ones right now are for the primary, and you get one for the party you registered to. If registered as an independent, you have to choose Dem or Rep. That said, I can't see why it should be visible in the ordinary primary.
At my polling place in Ohio you are asked how you are voting, so the “correct” ballot is given. You are given a numbered ballot, stub is torn off and placed in one box and the paper ballot is fed into a machine.
Just checked mine and sure enough it's there for all to see. Good thing I use my mail in ballot to study all of the people running and then I go vote in person
“Ohhh whoops. Guess we’ll have to print some more ballots”
Wasn't there just a thing during primaries where they didn't have Republican ballots available at the polls?
What a joke.