When it comes to history there really isn't a reliable source except first hand knowledge. And even that can be shaky at times. The Smithsonian plays a big part in creating history. And we all know history is a lie agreed upon.
Look at all the main donors of the Smithsonian and tell me with a straight face they aren't corrupt.
Your argument must then invalidate any argument of anything in the past. Its fitting if you are also flat-earther since they only trust their own eyes and own mind. It's an issue if Ego in the Freudian sense. I suspect there is some sort of problem with what they use for reality testing.
Nice word salad. Bring on some facts and scientific evidence. Your opinions on me really don't matter to me at all. You're just a troll as far as I'm concerned.
We can fly into space, if you have enough money even you can get a ticket to low orbit. And you yourself can see with your own eyes that the earth is round.
Don't have enough money? Okay understandable, with knowhow you can make a homemade rocket and attach a camera. It would need to get to low orbit or poor orbit. there have been a few amateur made rockets that have reached the Kármán line. The first happened May 17, 2004, by the Civilian Space eXploration Team (CSXT)
you have to hit about 2 Mt everest for the curve to be easily visible. Or climb Mt everest to see a super slight curve.
Can you prove the earth is not a sphere? I know a lot of flatearthers will deny anything that goes against their theory, like space existing, or that the moon exists... and say something like you can't see the curve so it must be flat, well I will throw that argument back at you. If there is an ice wall you can't get past, how do you know the earth doesn't curve after the wall? You don't.
this means either the earth is a globe since you can do any of the above to prove it, or you can't prove it's a globe but you also can't prove that it's flat since you can't observe the edge woth your own eyes.
How is any of what you just said proof of anything? I'm gonna need more evidence than that, show me some videos of it and proof of these things please.
Who says the moon doesn't exist? It might not be some rock in the sky, because you can clearly see through the damn thing during the day time and see blue sky, but it definitely exists. You don't seriously believe we've landed on the moon do you? That's basically truther 101 at this point.
As for proof of a flat earth, a sextant only works on a flat earth. Absolutely 100% does not work on a ball. Especially some oblong ball where the "curvature" wouldn't be consistent anywhere making it even more ridiculous to think that tool would work.
When it comes to history there really isn't a reliable source except first hand knowledge. And even that can be shaky at times. The Smithsonian plays a big part in creating history. And we all know history is a lie agreed upon.
Look at all the main donors of the Smithsonian and tell me with a straight face they aren't corrupt.
Your argument must then invalidate any argument of anything in the past. Its fitting if you are also flat-earther since they only trust their own eyes and own mind. It's an issue if Ego in the Freudian sense. I suspect there is some sort of problem with what they use for reality testing.
Nice word salad. Bring on some facts and scientific evidence. Your opinions on me really don't matter to me at all. You're just a troll as far as I'm concerned.
How is any of what you just said proof of anything? I'm gonna need more evidence than that, show me some videos of it and proof of these things please.
Who says the moon doesn't exist? It might not be some rock in the sky, because you can clearly see through the damn thing during the day time and see blue sky, but it definitely exists. You don't seriously believe we've landed on the moon do you? That's basically truther 101 at this point.
As for proof of a flat earth, a sextant only works on a flat earth. Absolutely 100% does not work on a ball. Especially some oblong ball where the "curvature" wouldn't be consistent anywhere making it even more ridiculous to think that tool would work.
There is a whole list of globe killers.