Please stop saying that deep state RINOs and Democrats are Americans too. They are not. These people are trying to destroy America. Call them what they are, Domestic Enemies.
In America, our service oaths contain this statement. "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..."
These people are the Domestic Enemies we are sworn to defend against. They are not Americans.
Dave. Another message. You're a lapping faggot who parades his wishes as fact. Dave fuck you and fuck x22.
Then don't watch him.
I'm allowed to have a negative opinion of him having listened for 3 years and having my own show. Adults can share their opinions on forums like these. You want your cookie and gold star now you dumb fuck?
I think this is very Interesting, Let's see how it all plays out!
I love Dave…however a very bad drinking game would be to drink every time he says “people”.
Whats your show?
"I'm allowed to have a negative opinion".
True. You're also allowed to have a bowel movement. However people who aren't "dumb fucks" understand there are times and places for both.
Only toddlers and "dumb fucks" opine and poop whenever and wherever they please.
"Adults can share their opinions on forums like these".
Also true. Hopefully, realizing this will motivate you to become an adult asap. 😘
Dave is my favorite collagen salesman
I was just reading about the HEK genes and collagen, hope there are different varieties. don't want to look like sandra bullock👹
I’m going to need a little more. Please.
don't have the exact link, but it was about the collagen coming from the fetal cells and foreskin of babies:( sandra is proud of putting such concoctions on her face and talked about it on Ellen. can find it on YT by searching 'sandra bullock ellen skin care' bragging about how this treatment can improve skin, like the two of them are something to look at and emulate🙄🤢
Agreed only thing he's right about lol let's talk about ur health
Civil please. You may not like this, others may. If you don't like move on. if it's breaching rules, report. Please focus on our mission here on the sideboard ----------------------------->
OMG muh pAyTriOt snark from someone who obviously didn't follow and/or comprehend Qs warning, anons discussions and Qs clarification. This old paYtRiOt attack still evokes such fond memories.
Good bless Dave. And God bless the haters too.