AI = 'Artificial Intelligence. Artificial means fake; synthetic. AI is not "self- aware". It is a set of programs beholden to the programmer. The master or puppeteer is the one who pulls the strings.
Terminology like 'self-aware' is being used to indoctrinate us into believing in a fiction. The fiction will one day have control over humans while the puppeteer in the background pulls the AI strings and becomes the master over everyone.
Self-Aware is a bit of a misnomer in regards to AI. Usually thrown at as a buzz word in fancy tech articles rather then actually being anywhere close to factual. If Optimus will be anything. It’ll probably be Weak AI.
When most people think of a self-aware AI. They’re thinking of in essence Cortana from Halo. Reality. Something like that would only exist in a highly restricted Military project buried so deep that everyone save the people immediately working on it may have forgotten it existed in the first place. If such a thing existed at all.
Some Rumors/Speculation suggest maybe. But Rumors are Rumors for a reason.
Realistically. Optimus will end up probably a weak AI. Extremely advanced weak/Narrow AI. Maybe with a programmed ability to simulate thinking. Maybe come with cutesy personalities or something.
AI = 'Artificial Intelligence. Artificial means fake; synthetic. AI is not "self- aware". It is a set of programs beholden to the programmer. The master or puppeteer is the one who pulls the strings.
Terminology like 'self-aware' is being used to indoctrinate us into believing in a fiction. The fiction will one day have control over humans while the puppeteer in the background pulls the AI strings and becomes the master over everyone.
Literally every single thing makes sense now.
Definitely one of those we don't need things, but if he does make it I hope he makes them look like Nikola!
Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. Just look at men who cut off their winky to be a woman
Kek, trying to stump the bot are we?
Self-Aware is a bit of a misnomer in regards to AI. Usually thrown at as a buzz word in fancy tech articles rather then actually being anywhere close to factual. If Optimus will be anything. It’ll probably be Weak AI.
When most people think of a self-aware AI. They’re thinking of in essence Cortana from Halo. Reality. Something like that would only exist in a highly restricted Military project buried so deep that everyone save the people immediately working on it may have forgotten it existed in the first place. If such a thing existed at all.
Some Rumors/Speculation suggest maybe. But Rumors are Rumors for a reason.
Realistically. Optimus will end up probably a weak AI. Extremely advanced weak/Narrow AI. Maybe with a programmed ability to simulate thinking. Maybe come with cutesy personalities or something.
But still limited.
Great… here come the cylons