Amusing article.
“Quick question. Is this an admission that all that tax money spent on contraception was wasted dollars because it doesn’t work? Answer: Democrats don’t care. Whatever launders the most cash through abortion clinics into their campaign coffers is fine by them. Failed contraception means more abortion.
Another question. If vasectomies are the only reliable contraception, will taxpayers be milked to support this essential men’s Health Care Issue? Answer: Only if Planned Parenthood starts doing vasectomies. In this context, “doing vasectomies” would mean laundering tax dollars through abortion providers who refer “clients” to actual Eurologists. Ironically, that would be one of the few examples of an activity that meets the definition of ‘Planning’ Parenthood.”
from Mayo Clinic (copied on July 17, 2022):
all vasectomies can be reversed. However, this doesn't guarantee success in conceiving a child. Vasectomy reversal can be attempted even if several years have passed since the original vasectomy — but the longer it has been, the less likely it is that the reversal will work.
Also consider this: It requires surgery to undo, and if shtf and there's no doctors for whatever reason, that's it, any kids you had are the last you're having (or you're the last if you have none)
I think many men who do this are going to regret it. It's like another mass psychosis delusion to help destroy humans.
The best option is:
Learn the control over yourself that God told you to learn
Amen. Stop mutilating the gift God has given you. You are destroying God's temple irreparably.
Anyone that runs out and gets tubes tied or a vasectomy to virtue signal should never be responsible for a child anyways. They should also be barred from adoption. The best part is... by virtue signaling. They are GUARANTEED to never need an abortion.
Great. Unlike abortions, vasectomies only affect one life, the one that consents to the procedure. Can't be complicit in baby murder if you can't even impregnate someone. And like others have said, people who don't want kids and want to have endless casual sex probably should never have kids
I have two kids and a vasectomy. It isn't a bad thing.
Libs are so damn stupid. Condom. OK? Yea it sucks a bit, but why mess with your tubes?
They're so mad about abortion because they never take responsibility, to the point where they'll kill a baby. Evil
Pretty wild if both true and correlated, is it because people are just paranoid or are they really using abortion this much as friggin birth control?
It's sad that people are brainwashed enough to do this for a virtue signal.
Maybe for some its an excuse, i.e., they didn't want children anyways.
Even so.
The depopulation agenda marches on.