I found this in a YT Comment
This is my take on everything i read so far. It is a developing story, and Governments are engaged in massive cover up, including Greece. The plane is owned by Meridian, a Ukrainian business entity, and they contract the plane to NATO. A history of the planes past travels shows regular trips between Serbia, Bulgaria and Poland. The plane left from Turkey, landed in Nis Serbia, took off with a half load , and was heading covertly to Kavala airport to restock with Greek weapons for Ukraine. Either the plane had mechanical issues, or there was sabotage, the plane intentionally landed on the fields, even if it had enough speed and altitude to land at Kavala airport. My guess is the cargo was illegal phosphorus bombs, which created the white plume. If it was a NATO opp, this will become another snake island , ghost of Kiev spin story in the media. Bangladesh is another conspiracy, cause apparently it is a launch pad for weapons to both sides of Ukraine war. All pro NATO Asian countries are using Bangladesh to hide their involvement in the war. Serbia turned out to be a big surprise, allowing NATO operations against Russia. Right after plane crash Zelensky fires SBU personal. This is better than any fantasy scenario that Netflix or Amazon prime could ever imagine.
And this
Burning lips are some of the symptoms of exposure to sulfur mustard, which would suggest the Ukrainian transporter was carrying chemical agents or indeed banned chemical weapons. If this is the case, it would be a mistake to expect the West or NATO to do anything about it as they are more than likely the supplier.
Is Ukraine reselling our weapons to other countries? Or trading them because they now have a surplus from the $80B we send them every month?
mmm liqiuid phase Hydrogen di-oxide contains dissolved oxygen and may not extinguish WP hich burns at 5,000 degrees F (it can vaporize a lot of water before the reaction hits an endpoin). through once wetted unkindled chemical may not ignite..
Hydrogen di-oxide would be too reactive. It's not called hydrogen superoxide fer nuttin'. Safer to stick to good ol' dihydrogen monoxide, although its use may end you up on a watchlist, seeing as it's a Weapon of Mass Hydration. 🐸
I know! People die from just breathing it all the time!