I felt the same way when I learned how the six million Jewish holocaust death toll was originally calculated. That was one of the biggest red-pills I've ever taken and I see the world very differently now.
This is copied straight from one of u/Bread_Sandwich's outstanding posts:
It all started as Russian wartime propaganda claiming four million Jews were exterminated in the gas chamber showers at Auschwitz concentration camp, located in Poland.
This story was presented without evidence during the Nuremberg trials and assumed to be true, without question, by every judge.
The number was quickly increased to six million to also accommodate the gas chamber showers at Dachau concentration camp.
The Polish government later officially revised the estimate for Auschwitz down from four million to 1.1 million after their investigation determined it would be scientifically impossible to execute more than 1.1 million Jews using Auschwitz's gas chambers and ovens.
Dozens of teams of scientists later forensically tested the walls, structure and soil from both the Auschwitz and Dachau gas chamber showers and found no residual traces of the deadly Zyklon B gas. Many tests were performed by different teams because nobody could believe the results, despite every team producing the same results proving NOBODY was gassed in the showers at either camp.
And that's where the six million number originated.
The only points that Bread_Sandwich failed to mention was every Nuremberg trial confession was extracted under torture and the Jewish judges acknowledge this on the official record, during the formal trials. Those tortured prisoners confessed to everything, including all the claims that were medically and physically impossible and were debunked during the 1950s and 60s.
It's also noteworthy that the World Conference of Jews (Jewish leaders from all over the world) officially declared 14 Jewish holocausts between 1926 and 1945. Almost all were met with laughter because of how silly and blatantly false they were. Even during 1933, Samuel Untermyer, Chair of the World Conference of Jews, claimed innocent Jews were being crucified and burned at the stake in the streets of Berlin.
A few years ago, I knew 9-11 was real. I knew the terrorists drove planes into those buildings. I watched it live. I saw it with my own eyes.
Today, I realize it's all BS and our evil government did this to our own citizens. Evil has been in our midst much longer than I ever realized.
It's sad. It's horrifying. But only seeing and knowing the truth will set us free.
Transparency is critical to accountability.
I felt the same way when I learned how the six million Jewish holocaust death toll was originally calculated. That was one of the biggest red-pills I've ever taken and I see the world very differently now.
Did someone say "operation paperclip"???
This is copied straight from one of u/Bread_Sandwich's outstanding posts:
It all started as Russian wartime propaganda claiming four million Jews were exterminated in the gas chamber showers at Auschwitz concentration camp, located in Poland.
This story was presented without evidence during the Nuremberg trials and assumed to be true, without question, by every judge.
The number was quickly increased to six million to also accommodate the gas chamber showers at Dachau concentration camp.
The Polish government later officially revised the estimate for Auschwitz down from four million to 1.1 million after their investigation determined it would be scientifically impossible to execute more than 1.1 million Jews using Auschwitz's gas chambers and ovens.
Dozens of teams of scientists later forensically tested the walls, structure and soil from both the Auschwitz and Dachau gas chamber showers and found no residual traces of the deadly Zyklon B gas. Many tests were performed by different teams because nobody could believe the results, despite every team producing the same results proving NOBODY was gassed in the showers at either camp.
Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site staff posted signs in several languages to inform tourists that their "death camp gas chamber showers" were just normal showers.
And that's where the six million number originated.
The only points that Bread_Sandwich failed to mention was every Nuremberg trial confession was extracted under torture and the Jewish judges acknowledge this on the official record, during the formal trials. Those tortured prisoners confessed to everything, including all the claims that were medically and physically impossible and were debunked during the 1950s and 60s.
It's also noteworthy that the World Conference of Jews (Jewish leaders from all over the world) officially declared 14 Jewish holocausts between 1926 and 1945. Almost all were met with laughter because of how silly and blatantly false they were. Even during 1933, Samuel Untermyer, Chair of the World Conference of Jews, claimed innocent Jews were being crucified and burned at the stake in the streets of Berlin.
the 9-11-no-plane documentary is extremely interesting and very disturbing because it could easily be true.
I mean, they're already lying so why not just lie completely.