Why do other batches have no expiry date? Why do the batches with expiry date happen to be the deadly ones? Why does CDC want to keep this list a secret?
The reason is that the batches which contain the mRNA vaccines are the ones that would expire. The batches with the saline are the ones that don't need an expiry date.
Does it mean all the batches other than the deadly ones were actually Saline?
Most of the humanity is actually safe?
I appreciate the effort, but that's not a code block, that's a quote.
A code block looks like a grey box (as at the bottom of the post I responded to). It has a font that is monowidth, and doesn't concatenate spaces, so you can do all sorts of cool formatting tricks, like make tables and other interesting things, which is something you can't do with regular pseudo-BBCode, like in this post, and yours.
Oh, my mistake! Use the Tilda symbol: `
It's usually from pressing shift on the ~ key.
Make three Tilda's at the beginning and end of the text you want in the block, and it'll do it.
Wow, thank you so much. I've been asking for over a year! Probably like 20 times! This makes me so happy.
It's amazing how the little things can mean so much. :)
Yeah! Glad to help you figure it out, and glad it gave you some joy amidst it. 😊