Girl's Electric Car Needs New Battery but It's More Expensive Than Vehicle Itself - Then She Gets Even Worse News...The Siwinskis were told the battery pack was at the end of its life and needed to be replaced, and the bill was going to be $14,000...The dealer said it couldn’t even get a battery.
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This is the problem with how "they" think.
Instead of building cities with abundant transit and putting a cop in every train, AND then zoning neighborhoods so most things are very close by for every cluster of residences, AND THEN also moving many common errands to local delivery services...all so people don't NEED a car everyday...
Believe or not, Americans actually used to live this way. It was called life before the 1960's, or you know the "good old days." One would ride the bus or train to work, which was clean, safe, and always on time. And then many errands were within 15 minutes walk of one's home at small local stores in every neighborhood. And for everything else, they could use the family car. It let a country run on something like 1/10th the fuel is consumes yearly now that trying to go to general store like Target, and then buy some food at a supermarket means you have a 15 mile round trip in most places...because they concentrated retail space from many small stores, to something like 2-10 "super stores" of each brand of store, that service an entire city of hundreds of thousands to millions of shoppers.
And instead of then leaving cars to be in majority a inexpensive, simple, easy to manufacture, highly fuel efficient machine for those who DO need a car..
They are trying to just force everybody into Teslas. Teslas the cars so ruinously expensive to make you will never break even owning them, and they are so needlessly complex they don't last more than 5 years.
They are just going to make the cars ruinously expensive and leave you to figure out how to do your loop of 20 miles for errands in a golf cart, or worse, nothing at all. Then they are then gonna rent you a ride share service that costs 10x more more per mile what it would cost to operate something like a Toyota Camry, to bleed you more.
They have ideas that are in the right direction, like getting most common people off using a polluting car daily so our oil lasts longer and we have more for composites and plastics....all things that benefit us, not to mention who doesn't want cleaner air. Sure carbon is a sham, a complete scam, but toxic carcinogenic hydrocarbon pollution is NOT, and worse than its ever been.
But they go about it the WORST possible way, not caring how much hardship or misery they leave people struggling with. They will take away your car without doing anything else to change how society works. They will provide transit but make sure its done cheaply as possible, broken down old busses with no security so you get mugged every month by punks.
Its speaks to their nature as childish tyrants, evil people who WILL have what they want as cheaply as possible, to as much profit to them as possible, no matter how much pain it causes the masses.
And above all, they hate you. They look upon you like a man would look upon an insect, never to hesitate to step on you for making them notice you.
I said it before and I'll say it again.
The tyrants we are dealing with think themselves as gods and everyone else mere insects to be disposed of at their pleasure.
May God remind them the penalty for their idolatry, blasphemy, and hubris.
For the most part I agree with you. The powers that be mix their evil agenda with enough good to be palatable or even desirable for us minions. I know the car companies have quashed all designs that use cheap alternative fuels because they are owned by this NWO, illuminati elite. People lose their freedoms when someone tells them where and if they can go and how to get there, tho. The NWO wants to designate live zones which would be mass housing in the cities. It would not be pretty. Why else did Rothschild owned ultilities burn up entire cities in California to move people off the coasts and devalue land?
Anything that could have been done to improve mass transit has been thrown in the wastebasket because ALL the powers that be don't care about us plebians. The elite have their money, private jets, multiple mansions, land.. whatever they want. I don't begrudge people wealth but they have essentially gotten their riches off the backs of the common man, usually via illegal or immoral means.
They have plans for us but ultimately it will only benefit them and it will be extremely distasteful for us. I enjoy my space, my house, my car, my freedom to come and about you? I am not willing to sacrifice all that because they have not allowed healthy alternatives (including medical advancements) to be incorporated in the lives we are "allowed" to live now. We are essentially trapped in the world they allowed us live in and then they cry "green energy, climate change, for the common good" to further enslave us! Hegelian dialectic screams loud and clear.
I heard someone compare the illuminati attitude toward us as someone stepping on an big deal to kill an ant. That's why they do what they do.