Someone is excited to see POTATUS with the double Cs
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Just what this country needs, a retarded ex-hooker running shit.
Just how much worse could it get?
The same people behind the curtains would still be running things, it would just show the incompetence of a retarded exhooking whore kakaling hyena pretending to be in charge. Should be a big Red Pill for any doubters left.
Nah, first will be all the gloating over finally having a female POC as president. Th3n she has to piss off those people the way Biden has been doing.
Only thing I could disagree with is I think the left is so batshit cray cray about identity politics, they would prefer to get a white woman(Hillary) in AND THEN they get to habe a woman of color, AND THEN a lesbo and on down the line.
If they were thinking strategically, they would have some plan like this to prolong the victim racket, but they are also greedy. And if they see a red tsunami coming, I think they will be greedy to check the most boxes.
Oh i think your underestimating her abilities.
Time will tell, as slowjoe is definitely on the way out.
Those hands look like Michael's?
This is like...Kamala mixed with Big Mike...
It will be comical and it might be in the script
Oh, and I'm only speculating about the "EX" hooker part.