Theres lots of talk about governor pumpkinhead pritzger running for president. I have a gut feeling that hes going to be their nominee. I HIGHLY suggest people start stocking up on meme ammo against him because hes chicago mafia, they WILL cheat him in if they can.
Ill start off the discussion by reminding everyone that Rod Blago was arrested and sent to prison for conspiring to sell his seat. The person on the other side of that phone call was J.B. Himself. This is not conspiracy theory this is fact. Rod went to prison and pritzger got put into power. Dont let pritzger get a foothold!
He'll get railroaded. Too much info that ties him to the mocha messiah and Blago. Remember Blago is willing to tell all and 45 got him out early. That favor will be returned in typical Chicago fashion.
Oh hell yeah, bath house Barry, man’s country best customer and the most famous export from Boys town..Kevin DuJan and Hillbuzz had loads of info on that way back in 2007 onwards
Plus, zero name recognition outside IL. Nationally he's a nobody.
I thought at the time 45 was storing Blago up for future use…