Going full mad man prepping mode now. Cut drinking, going out to eat, entertainment that isn’t free etc. I only eat at work now. Trying to only spend money on my bills and prepping. With the evergrande ceo resignation and inflation soaring I feel we are at the beginning. Do you think this crisis happens before or after the mid terms? Or do you think this crisis will get gradually worse over time.
Trying to be prepared as much as possible with the little time we have left.
my suggestion would be "watch the water"...we don't know exactly what this means, but water is essential for life and food prep...look at zerowater.com, has 5-stage filter system that takes EVERYTHING out of tap/well water/rain water...good luck and God bless...
Watch the water:
I love my zero water filter. It even removes fluoride
I regret not knowing about it when my kids were younger
who makes your water filter?
It's the brand name. Is that what you're asking? I have one and really like it.
I’ll look into it thanks