So while scientists have been verifying this stuff for thousands of years, you’re going to go with “apparently they made it up” without even verifying it?
This is exactly the problem. The “experts” and “scientists” say it is so, therefore “do not question”. Exhibits top down hierarchical control and supression of questioning (anti-human AND anti-science) rather than easily explainable and logical conclusion. Thus, suspicious.
Sagan the satanist wants to begile you with Science.
Wouldn't be surprised if they made up the entire story.
Apparently they made up Eratosthenes, though I haven’t verified that for myself.
So while scientists have been verifying this stuff for thousands of years, you’re going to go with “apparently they made it up” without even verifying it?
This is exactly the problem. The “experts” and “scientists” say it is so, therefore “do not question”. Exhibits top down hierarchical control and supression of questioning (anti-human AND anti-science) rather than easily explainable and logical conclusion. Thus, suspicious.
A broken clock can be right twice in a day. Also the boy who cried "Wolf!" did tell the truth once.