My point about airplane flight is that when you are aboard, you have no perception of speed. You are aware that the atmosphere is "fixed" relative to the Earth's surface? It's all carried along. Do the numbers. (Can you do the numbers?) Sit on a playground carousel and have it rotate at 0.0007 rpm and see if you can feel anything.
You can tell the Earth is rotating by the motion of the stars, and the progression of the Sun. There are geophysical signs, such as the bulge of the oceans at the equator due to centripetal acceleration. When we are in orbit around the Earth, we can measure its rotation relative to our own orbital motion.
Significantly, it makes a big difference if we are launching a satellite to go east instead of west, because eastbound allows us to take advantage of Earth's rotational velocity---while westbound imposes that on us as a velocity penalty.
Space is a vacuum. There is nothing "there" to have a temperature. What utterly faint gas that may be there is often at "temperatures" of thousands of degrees, but it is meaningless since it is so thin. It's like the vacuum in a TV tube.
What happens is that anything in shadow will radiate to open space, which has a back-radiation temperature equivalent of about 4 kelvins. Tired light from far stars. Space is my business, so no one is misleading me. You are in no position to give instruction.
No debunk. You are speaking gibberish about refraction. The refraction results in curved ray paths. It happens to laser beams as well, because laser beams are only light. I should know something about this because I spent part of my career in the design and analysis of laser weapons and their beam propagation. Atmospheric refraction of the beam was a major problem.
We knew most of this long before NASA. As you might know if you would learn some science instead of visiting websites. While I have a bone to pick with NASA about their "climate science" (a political corruption), their statements on matters of space travel and planetary science are reliable. If you want to say they are liars, prove the lies. I mean PROVE them, with verifiable evidence---not "I think I see..." arguments based on looking at Rorschach blots.
1a. Wrong again: humans do have speed time perception ever hit a baseball genius? Do you think a pitcher throws the same speed everything?
1b. Wrong again Einstein:
according to nasa...The Earth's atmosphere is an extremely thin sheet of air extending from the surface of the Earth to the edge of space. The Earth is a sphere with a roughly 8000 mile diameter; the thickness of the atmosphere is about 60 miles. In this picture, taken from a spacecraft orbiting at 200 miles above the surface, we can see the atmosphere as the thin blue band between the surface and the blackness of space. If the Earth were the size of a basketball, the thickness of the atmosphere could be modeled by a thin sheet of plastic wrapped around the ball. Gravity holds the atmosphere to the Earth's surface.
So air (what did you call it ahh yes Atmosphere) cannot be "fixed" to the earth. Maybe you meant gravity, that holds the air in and keeps it close to earth in layers. But still Wrong if ya did so it doesn't matter....
1c. So moronic not gonna answer.
Stars and movement: Wtf does that have to do with fe vs re? But ok Newton, here goes. What's the north star does it move. Explain that one Galileo. How can we spin around an Elipses and the nort star never change? Cmon open your eyes dude take 1 of your marbles (if you haven't eaten them all) move it around your basketball in an elliptical pattern take your other hand make a fist. That is your north star now explain to yourself why is the north star always north.....that's right you can't. Progression of the sun lol ok...ever seen the sun and moon at the same time? Does that mean the "other side of the world" doesn't have a moon or maybe they just looked through the earth and saw the one your looking at. (Photos show 2 sides of the world looking at moon wierd huh) But hey I wish ya well, we agree to disagree.
1a) You are confusing the perception of some other thing moving, with a perception of yourself moving. If you are in an airplane cabin at altitude and a constant speed, it is no different than sitting on the runway. Not my opinion. It is a fact of human physiology.
1b) I am an aerodynamicist by training and you are simply ignorant. The air is a viscous medium and will have a boundary layer characterized by zero slip velocity at the surface of contact (the Earth's surface). Since long eons ago, the atmosphere has come to equilibrium with the rotating Earth (i.e., the Earth is not accelerating up or down to cause the atmosphere to have a different velocity). Thus, the air is fixed to the Earth by friction and maintains the same rotational velocity with latitude. This is the easier if it is a "thin" layer.
1c) So true, you have no answer---you just blow it off with a puff of bravado. Read all about it in any book on orbital mechanics. Why do you suppose the Europeans like to launch their Ariane vehicles from French Guiana? Because they are getting the maximum advantage of the Earth's rotational speed by being close to the equator (5 deg N). The Sea Launch program, which I once supported, launched its vehicles exactly from the equator. You are playing the moron by getting in over your head.
The North Star does not appear to move because it is very close to the direction of the axis of the Earth (but it is not precisely on the axis, so the movement can actually be measured). Due to axial precession, other stars have occupied the "pole star" position in ages past. Good try. It only proves there is a rotational axis. (There is a similar position over the south pole, but no visible star close enough to call the South Star.)
We can follow a slightly-elliptical orbit around the Sun because the position of the pole star depends only on where the Earth's axis is pointing. The stars are so far away, we don't notice any effect of the size of the Earth's orbit. Polaris (the pole star) is something like 400 light-years away. The Sun is about 500 light-seconds away. That's a factor of 31.5 million difference. But you knew that, right?
Ever seen the full Moon? That's when the Sun and the Moon are OPPOSITE each other with respect to the Earth. The Sun is at the noon meridian while the Moon is at the midnight meridian. Yet, there are people who are on one side of the Earth who can see the Moon but not the Sun, and people who are on the other side of the Earth who cannot see the Moon but see the Sun. This can only happen if the Earth has opposite sides. The Earth rotates in 24 hours, but the Moon revolves around the Earth in 30 days. This is why we get phases of the Moon over 30 days, but the Moon always seems to go around the Earth each day. It goes on and on. Something a fifth-grader could learn. But apparently, not you.
Too bad you are leaving. I think there is a lot of education I could give you.
You can tell the Earth is rotating by the motion of the stars, and the progression of the Sun. There are geophysical signs, such as the bulge of the oceans at the equator due to centripetal acceleration. When we are in orbit around the Earth, we can measure its rotation relative to our own orbital motion.
Significantly, it makes a big difference if we are launching a satellite to go east instead of west, because eastbound allows us to take advantage of Earth's rotational velocity---while westbound imposes that on us as a velocity penalty.
What happens is that anything in shadow will radiate to open space, which has a back-radiation temperature equivalent of about 4 kelvins. Tired light from far stars. Space is my business, so no one is misleading me. You are in no position to give instruction.
No debunk. You are speaking gibberish about refraction. The refraction results in curved ray paths. It happens to laser beams as well, because laser beams are only light. I should know something about this because I spent part of my career in the design and analysis of laser weapons and their beam propagation. Atmospheric refraction of the beam was a major problem.
We knew most of this long before NASA. As you might know if you would learn some science instead of visiting websites. While I have a bone to pick with NASA about their "climate science" (a political corruption), their statements on matters of space travel and planetary science are reliable. If you want to say they are liars, prove the lies. I mean PROVE them, with verifiable evidence---not "I think I see..." arguments based on looking at Rorschach blots.
1a. Wrong again: humans do have speed time perception ever hit a baseball genius? Do you think a pitcher throws the same speed everything?
1b. Wrong again Einstein: according to nasa...The Earth's atmosphere is an extremely thin sheet of air extending from the surface of the Earth to the edge of space. The Earth is a sphere with a roughly 8000 mile diameter; the thickness of the atmosphere is about 60 miles. In this picture, taken from a spacecraft orbiting at 200 miles above the surface, we can see the atmosphere as the thin blue band between the surface and the blackness of space. If the Earth were the size of a basketball, the thickness of the atmosphere could be modeled by a thin sheet of plastic wrapped around the ball. Gravity holds the atmosphere to the Earth's surface.
So air (what did you call it ahh yes Atmosphere) cannot be "fixed" to the earth. Maybe you meant gravity, that holds the air in and keeps it close to earth in layers. But still Wrong if ya did so it doesn't matter....
1c. So moronic not gonna answer.
Stars and movement: Wtf does that have to do with fe vs re? But ok Newton, here goes. What's the north star does it move. Explain that one Galileo. How can we spin around an Elipses and the nort star never change? Cmon open your eyes dude take 1 of your marbles (if you haven't eaten them all) move it around your basketball in an elliptical pattern take your other hand make a fist. That is your north star now explain to yourself why is the north star always north.....that's right you can't. Progression of the sun lol ok...ever seen the sun and moon at the same time? Does that mean the "other side of the world" doesn't have a moon or maybe they just looked through the earth and saw the one your looking at. (Photos show 2 sides of the world looking at moon wierd huh) But hey I wish ya well, we agree to disagree.
1a) You are confusing the perception of some other thing moving, with a perception of yourself moving. If you are in an airplane cabin at altitude and a constant speed, it is no different than sitting on the runway. Not my opinion. It is a fact of human physiology.
1b) I am an aerodynamicist by training and you are simply ignorant. The air is a viscous medium and will have a boundary layer characterized by zero slip velocity at the surface of contact (the Earth's surface). Since long eons ago, the atmosphere has come to equilibrium with the rotating Earth (i.e., the Earth is not accelerating up or down to cause the atmosphere to have a different velocity). Thus, the air is fixed to the Earth by friction and maintains the same rotational velocity with latitude. This is the easier if it is a "thin" layer.
1c) So true, you have no answer---you just blow it off with a puff of bravado. Read all about it in any book on orbital mechanics. Why do you suppose the Europeans like to launch their Ariane vehicles from French Guiana? Because they are getting the maximum advantage of the Earth's rotational speed by being close to the equator (5 deg N). The Sea Launch program, which I once supported, launched its vehicles exactly from the equator. You are playing the moron by getting in over your head.
The North Star does not appear to move because it is very close to the direction of the axis of the Earth (but it is not precisely on the axis, so the movement can actually be measured). Due to axial precession, other stars have occupied the "pole star" position in ages past. Good try. It only proves there is a rotational axis. (There is a similar position over the south pole, but no visible star close enough to call the South Star.)
We can follow a slightly-elliptical orbit around the Sun because the position of the pole star depends only on where the Earth's axis is pointing. The stars are so far away, we don't notice any effect of the size of the Earth's orbit. Polaris (the pole star) is something like 400 light-years away. The Sun is about 500 light-seconds away. That's a factor of 31.5 million difference. But you knew that, right?
Ever seen the full Moon? That's when the Sun and the Moon are OPPOSITE each other with respect to the Earth. The Sun is at the noon meridian while the Moon is at the midnight meridian. Yet, there are people who are on one side of the Earth who can see the Moon but not the Sun, and people who are on the other side of the Earth who cannot see the Moon but see the Sun. This can only happen if the Earth has opposite sides. The Earth rotates in 24 hours, but the Moon revolves around the Earth in 30 days. This is why we get phases of the Moon over 30 days, but the Moon always seems to go around the Earth each day. It goes on and on. Something a fifth-grader could learn. But apparently, not you.
Too bad you are leaving. I think there is a lot of education I could give you.