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I as going to show that tomorrow! I went veggie for a year..but when you know plants scream at the THOUGHT of being hurt...you realise this is as gurdjieff said..a reciprocal world..everything eats everything! Those above us eat our vibrations or energies..is there a difference? Not clear on this point..so positive thoughts and negative thoughts I am presuming eat different energies? and you know here on earth there are human energy vampires. You feel drained after being in their company.
One time I was feeling very low indeed..a neighbour popped in to see me and when she left I was dancing around the house. She told me later she felt bad after her visit to me and had to go and lie down. Felt instant guilt that I stole her energy but it was an unconscious act on my part. I learnt to steer clear of people when I felt like that.
Gurdjieff used to say a few minutes rage can deplete your supply of energy as much as a whole week's worth and that was why other people benefitted when in the company of someone having a rant. Don't let people press your buttons to steal your energy.
"Gurdjieff used to say a few minutes rage can deplete your supply of energy as much as a whole week's worth"
--- interesting comments today! I have a friend who is into Gurjieff.
And I love the Dr. Emoto water experiments. When i think of it, I bless my water before drinking it
I had been vegan for a year and a half and yes, it IS tough to do it right. I have recently cut down on tofu/tempeh and now gone back to a bit of fish once or so a week for the last couple of weeks. Ever evolving... I went the vegan route, cuz I stopped enjoying even organic chicken, which was the main meat I ate. It just didn't satisfy me, so I figured why bother. I definitely feel better not eating dairy. Cheese is a tasty food that I love, and makes it so easy to be a vegetarian. But I know if I add dairy back to my diet, it will end up dominating like before.
While it is a reciprocal world, and EVERYTHING has to die for something else to live, I think the bottom line with food choice is, it is different for everyone. It takes effort to listen closely to our own bodies to figure out what to feed them so they flourish.
I know people who are vegan and seem ok..but I am aware that animal fats ..butter cheese dripping cream etc are needed for a healthy body and mind. Your myleine sheath needs animal fat..nothing else will do..and once that sheath protecting all your nerve endings is gone it cannot be replaced..luckily your body demanded cheese! And you listened to your body!
Pointless to eat fruit or veggies if some form of fat isn't eaten to enable the nutrients to be taken up by the body..ie fruit with cream...or custard..veggies with gravy...
Soy is very toxic.havent researched tempeh or tofu. I tried it once..didn't like it.
Sometimes when the world seems so crazy or your life doesn't seem to be in your control...watching your food is a way to give control...I really think that's how anorexia starts off..young people...no control over their life and pick one of the few things they can control.
I too bless my water when I think of it!! That's the reason they used to pray before meals ...concentrate on eating consciously and you will never over eat
It IS possible to do a vegetarian diet...you get so clean and clear, but it's REALLY TOUGH to do right because most of the protein options are shit like soy and saton/satan/aka gluten. Balance is key and everyone is different. The resounding question should be, "Can my body make blood out of ..." - whatever slop you're shoveling down your gullet. Yes... watching the secret life can f-you up if you're in a lofty state of consciousness. You don't want to be rolling around on the mower thinking you're a mass murderer! So...temper it accordingly 😂
Link to the movie: https://odysee.com/@DontWakeUp:0/The-Secret-Life-of-Plants.1979.NFrip.x264-CG:9?r=4jhEkCY8Vt3Ux4WQvxbgYbK4PPA3EbxN
Thank you for the link. I have to say I didn't feel any cleaner on a veggie diet...and I know it was decided in the ancient past that unless everyone went veggie there was no benefit. Meat eaters are stronger in brain and body.
I can't get the link..clicking does nothing! The secret Life of plants