Infallibility is not that hard a thing to grasp, so listen up. Infallibility is only when the pope teaches "from the Chair of Peter" on a doctrine of the church Something that Your have to believe and accept. there have only been two, REPEAT, two times when the Infallibility of the pope has been used in 2 Thousand years. Both times involved Mary. 1st time, The Immaculate Conception. 2nd time the Assumption into Heaven. That's it, we don't have to believe any pronouncements about Guns, etc......
No we don’t.
We don’t. He’s a Masonic Infiltrator & Heratic. Arch Bishop Vigano calls him Burgolio because his vote was not legitmate.
As an American Catholic, I will give up my guns when the Pope disbands and stops using protection details.
Infallibility is not that hard a thing to grasp, so listen up. Infallibility is only when the pope teaches "from the Chair of Peter" on a doctrine of the church Something that Your have to believe and accept. there have only been two, REPEAT, two times when the Infallibility of the pope has been used in 2 Thousand years. Both times involved Mary. 1st time, The Immaculate Conception. 2nd time the Assumption into Heaven. That's it, we don't have to believe any pronouncements about Guns, etc......
Isn't global homogenization a sin?
A lot easier to burn people at the stake when there's no guns around.
Yes, but this would be holy carbon. Saints going up
The pope and all priests need to just shut their pedarist supporting cock holsters.