Going back to post 619 the expectation is set that trying top level NWO/DS operatives in civilian courts would be pointless. The alternative not stated explicitly would be Military Tribunals.
Post 2523 and 2583 are more explicit and talks about the charge of being an unlawful enemy combatant. It discusses an exchange between Lindsey Graham and then Judge Kavanaugh on the topic. And tribunals.
Then we end up with 3716 and 3717 identical posts. Who is charged under sealed indictment and who is first arrested may not be as important as what the charges are and who is taking them into custody. The door has to be opened on Law of War violations for Military Tribunals to be used. Maybe what we should be looking for is the first charge of being an unlawful enemy combatant.
I understand and agree it shouldn’t be expected that a mass arrest will happen for treasonous activities but my statement was specifically about the act of rigging an election in an effort to remove the rightfully selected president because you were bribed or blackmailed to do so… that is clear cut treason as so as you’re doing it to take power from the president
Sedition yes, but I'll repeat that treason was very narrowly defined. Who are we in a hot, open war with? Would normies ever believe we've been in a hidden war against satanic cannibal pedophiles? They believe ritual sacrifice ended thousands of years ago. I'm not saying it can't ever be used - No Name was a perfect example of that, having given aid and comfort to a country we were fighting twice.