This is why I doom about Washington State elections. I don’t see a SINGLE Patty Murray sign but I see Tiffany Smiley signs and bumper stickers EVERYWHERE. Even in King County. I know Patty will win though cause they’ll cheat with the mail in ballots as always.
Yes. Oregon and Washington were the testing grounds for two decades. I see Kent signs everywhere. Few St. John signs, but she has no chance, just a spoiler. Herrera-Buetler finally now putting out attack ads against Kent, all bullshit, but interesting that she's now taking him seriously. I've suggested that RINOs and Dems have had an agreement going for years... let the rural, "red" areas get their local Republican RINOs, but when it comes to state senators, governor, lt. governor, Congressional Senators, and presidential Electors, they will be Dems. There's no way that shit Inslee won last time. If you do the math, the counties outside of Pierce and King are all heavy red. Even if Pierce and King go 100% Dem, there's enough around the rest of the state to balance things out. Local races throughout the rest if the counties and districts go Republican, but somehow all the big ones that really matter, we keep losing... been here since 2009, and took me until 2016 to really wake up to how rigged the system is.
I hope to god that Kent/Culp overcome voter fraud. If Tiffany Smiley loses I will be demanding an audit. There is no fucking way Smiley loses without fraud.
This is why I doom about Washington State elections. I don’t see a SINGLE Patty Murray sign but I see Tiffany Smiley signs and bumper stickers EVERYWHERE. Even in King County. I know Patty will win though cause they’ll cheat with the mail in ballots as always.
Yes. Oregon and Washington were the testing grounds for two decades. I see Kent signs everywhere. Few St. John signs, but she has no chance, just a spoiler. Herrera-Buetler finally now putting out attack ads against Kent, all bullshit, but interesting that she's now taking him seriously. I've suggested that RINOs and Dems have had an agreement going for years... let the rural, "red" areas get their local Republican RINOs, but when it comes to state senators, governor, lt. governor, Congressional Senators, and presidential Electors, they will be Dems. There's no way that shit Inslee won last time. If you do the math, the counties outside of Pierce and King are all heavy red. Even if Pierce and King go 100% Dem, there's enough around the rest of the state to balance things out. Local races throughout the rest if the counties and districts go Republican, but somehow all the big ones that really matter, we keep losing... been here since 2009, and took me until 2016 to really wake up to how rigged the system is.
I'm in Pierce and NO ONE I've talked to voted for Inslee.
Same in Snohomish. Folks HATE him.
I hope to god that Kent/Culp overcome voter fraud. If Tiffany Smiley loses I will be demanding an audit. There is no fucking way Smiley loses without fraud.
I vaguely recall hearing Jovan say (way back in late 2020) that Snohomish County was one of the most corrupted counties election-wise.
Literally no one I've met in WA has admitted to or actually has voted for him!
They all hate him!
It’s been rigged since Gregoire/Rossi if not earlier
"If Washington is rigged, then why does a republican keep winning secretary of state? Do you really think they would cheat for the other team?"
NPC Crowd
Good to know. I'm in WA and don't know who to pick yet, haven't read the thingy.
What district? If you’re in district 10 our family friend and Patriot Keith Swank is running as the GOP congressional canidate.