Comedy is not dead. It is alive and well here on Great Awakening.
Silly = Mental Health!
I miss the crazy comedy of the past, Blazing Saddles, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and the like. But then I started thinking about how funny this site is. Just today I remember seeing a screenshot in which the screen name was "Hunter Biden's Coke Dealer." I thought that definitely KEK worthy. And the memes are often priceless.
Do the serious stuff. But never forget the funny stuff.
44% of marriages end in divorce
56% of marriages end in DEATH!
If you're married, it doesn't end well, folks! :p LOL
Love that
Another perfect illustration of how stats can be misleading, which is also where the original joke came from: comedian on AGT who's an engineer. Did a hilarious Venn diagram about geeks, nerds, and dorks too.
Worth a 5-min. chuckle:
(Don't know why they tacked on a minute + of a card magician rapper at the end LOL)
I saw that comedian Don McMillan on Dry Bar Comedy.
Here's his entire bit-
Bigamy has entered the chat.