LOL, some Reddit fuckwit writes to taunt me every month re: Ukraine, and how "teh QAnon plan" is going nowhere... And, holy mother of shit timing, Batman—he messages me (see bottom of pic) on the day Sens. Graham/Blumenthal pass a STRONGLY WORDED RESOLUTION on Russia! MY SIDES, I JUST CAN'T 😭
🧠 These pRedditors are stupid!
Don't be scared. They're pussies
So are the people who smack you in the back of the head with a brick or gang up on you in an alley or shoot up a school or assassinate a cop in their car.
But it's not necessarily being scared of them, but scared of what that leads to. A world where people are willing to assassinate the people they don't like?
That's not a good world.
That world has already arisen.
It's on the downslope
Exactly. That world has always been the world... It will no longer be.