Hello frogys. I’d like to know everyone’s opinions here about the Alex Jones trial. So far I have seen some stuff that might actually awaken some curiosity in some people if they are watching the trial. Most people only watch TikTok and trash to keep busy while taking a dump in the toilet. Regardless I would like to know your opinion on Jones. Is he really mossad Jones ? Was He ever legit at some point? Was he compromised. What did Bill Cooper say about Jones and infowars. I part of me thinks Jones might have been legit at some point, and either milked viewers for money, or became compromised by a foreign agency. What’s your theory ?
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I remember The Young Turks showing footage of Alex Jones running around their studio. They complained how he ran all over and spent over an hour making mischief there and how "he just got away with it". It sounded very staged.
Especially when an Armenian audience member to one of their events stood up and called them out for their disgusting name (reference to Armenian genocide) and got dragged out in a heartbeat. But somehow Alex Jone can run around for an hour and not get dragged out by security.
Yeah, right.
I found it even more funny that the co-host Anna was actual Amenian with supposedly her ancestors persecuted by the real "The Young Turks", but had no problem being his co-host.
I think the name was deliberate, to rub it into people's faces.
That was at an event, covering the RNC or something. Jones and Stone walked onto their set while they were doing a show, and Jones parked his ass there and just interrupted what they were doing. Then Jones claimed that he'd been invited. I dunno what the truth was.