It also depends on generation. My uncle who is in his later 70s knew he was gay at an early age but it was not something he could admit to his parents or the world in the 1950’s. He ended up getting married and having a child and then coming out of the closet a few years later. Interestingly my cousin is not as messed up as I would’ve anticipated but the family relationships are strange to me. Neither my aunt nor my uncle openly dated/remarried, they are still good friends, he helps her around her home, they move to whatever town my cousin and her family end up moving to for work, and they all spend every holiday together. He was the first gay person I ever knew but he was never in your face. The gays I know now are so different and it’s almost like they have something to prove instead of just living a private life.
Imagine you struggle your whole life with feelings for the same gender, and you try to work out with God and society why you feel this way and what you should do about it.
You finally find ways to accept it and deal with it, and all you ask is that society have a little empathy - not agreement, or enablement, just empathy.
Then, all the sudden, a swarm of self important assholes say one day that they’re gay “just like you” and then the next that “haha I’m actually the opposite gender and I’m straight” and then “haha I’m actually the opposite gender but still gay” and then “haha I’m actually a unicorn non-binary woman who will only date bipocs and I’m going to down all these drugs and hormones to force my body to work the way I know I was meant to be naturally” and all it does is sweep you up into a mess of lunatics.
Worse still, at some point, there’s going to be a backlash to all this BS, and once again the “normal” ones will be swept into the hysteria and be forced to apologize for the chaos that they never asked for and never intended.
Not to mention people that never cared about whether someone was gay or not start to get tired of the constant in your face shit, and start deciding they hate gays. This is probably all by design. They push the interracial relationship stuff so much that people who could give a rat's ass start saying, "Fuck that." IDK. Divide, divide divide. That's all they have left I guess. It's such a weird world right now.
They hate it. “Classic” gays seem to hate the crazy just as much bc if you think about it….lesbians and gays are part of the binary. If there’s no gender or there’s more than two genders, it kind of evaporates gays and lesbians. Just like allowing a man to identify as a woman evaporates the woman.
The ones I know are NOT happy about what is going on but unsure where the line is drawn to say anything. All I know is they just want to live their lives and be left alone.
It’s very interesting whether that is due to social conditioning or if that’s “organic”. It almost feels like back then when it was not cool to be gay, those people who really came out and lived their truth was really doing it for themselves so they could be true to their innner voice
It also depends on generation. My uncle who is in his later 70s knew he was gay at an early age but it was not something he could admit to his parents or the world in the 1950’s. He ended up getting married and having a child and then coming out of the closet a few years later. Interestingly my cousin is not as messed up as I would’ve anticipated but the family relationships are strange to me. Neither my aunt nor my uncle openly dated/remarried, they are still good friends, he helps her around her home, they move to whatever town my cousin and her family end up moving to for work, and they all spend every holiday together. He was the first gay person I ever knew but he was never in your face. The gays I know now are so different and it’s almost like they have something to prove instead of just living a private life.
There are so many people like this that are drowned out by the crazy people. I wonder how the feel about being caricaturized by the nut jobs.
It completely delegitimizes them.
Imagine you struggle your whole life with feelings for the same gender, and you try to work out with God and society why you feel this way and what you should do about it.
You finally find ways to accept it and deal with it, and all you ask is that society have a little empathy - not agreement, or enablement, just empathy.
Then, all the sudden, a swarm of self important assholes say one day that they’re gay “just like you” and then the next that “haha I’m actually the opposite gender and I’m straight” and then “haha I’m actually the opposite gender but still gay” and then “haha I’m actually a unicorn non-binary woman who will only date bipocs and I’m going to down all these drugs and hormones to force my body to work the way I know I was meant to be naturally” and all it does is sweep you up into a mess of lunatics.
Worse still, at some point, there’s going to be a backlash to all this BS, and once again the “normal” ones will be swept into the hysteria and be forced to apologize for the chaos that they never asked for and never intended.
Not to mention people that never cared about whether someone was gay or not start to get tired of the constant in your face shit, and start deciding they hate gays. This is probably all by design. They push the interracial relationship stuff so much that people who could give a rat's ass start saying, "Fuck that." IDK. Divide, divide divide. That's all they have left I guess. It's such a weird world right now.
They hate it. “Classic” gays seem to hate the crazy just as much bc if you think about it….lesbians and gays are part of the binary. If there’s no gender or there’s more than two genders, it kind of evaporates gays and lesbians. Just like allowing a man to identify as a woman evaporates the woman.
The ones I know are NOT happy about what is going on but unsure where the line is drawn to say anything. All I know is they just want to live their lives and be left alone.
It’s very interesting whether that is due to social conditioning or if that’s “organic”. It almost feels like back then when it was not cool to be gay, those people who really came out and lived their truth was really doing it for themselves so they could be true to their innner voice