True that. Lots of delusional thinking going around right now. It all comes from the fruity crap the New Agers have been spouting for decades, like "you can manifest your own reality" or something along those lines. Let me say this: "manifest" is not a verb. You can't do it. It's a delusion. Mainly because YOU ARE NOT GOD. Only God can manifest something by speaking or even thinking. But these New Agers believe they are little gods, so they also believe they can "manifest" something or other. Prove me wrong. Oooh, ooh, I just manifested a corned beef sandwich. Now I will eat it: Not.
Thank you for calling out that "manifest" crap. It's EVERYWHERE among the liberals I know. They're all "I manifested" this by "wishing it into existence". They laugh at Christians for believing in God, but same crowd turns around and talks about their zodiac sign (as a real personality trait) and how they "manifested" something into reality.
They either push "manifest" which is just an extension of "The universe wanted me to have this". They've basically conjured up a religion that acts as a sugar daddy for their desires. I've seen them want a sequel to something. They spent two years wishing for the sequel and when it's announced they go "I manifested that!".
True that. Lots of delusional thinking going around right now. It all comes from the fruity crap the New Agers have been spouting for decades, like "you can manifest your own reality" or something along those lines. Let me say this: "manifest" is not a verb. You can't do it. It's a delusion. Mainly because YOU ARE NOT GOD. Only God can manifest something by speaking or even thinking. But these New Agers believe they are little gods, so they also believe they can "manifest" something or other. Prove me wrong. Oooh, ooh, I just manifested a corned beef sandwich. Now I will eat it: Not.
Thank you for calling out that "manifest" crap. It's EVERYWHERE among the liberals I know. They're all "I manifested" this by "wishing it into existence". They laugh at Christians for believing in God, but same crowd turns around and talks about their zodiac sign (as a real personality trait) and how they "manifested" something into reality.
They either push "manifest" which is just an extension of "The universe wanted me to have this". They've basically conjured up a religion that acts as a sugar daddy for their desires. I've seen them want a sequel to something. They spent two years wishing for the sequel and when it's announced they go "I manifested that!".
Party of ScIenCE.