The Wallenberg family should be more often spoken of when you mention elites like Rothschilds and Rockefellers. It is said they have more money than the Rothschilds
A motto of the Wallenberg family that owns banks, AstraZeneca and arms maker SAAB as well as trillions of $ of other things. They are one of the top tier elites with Rockefellers, Rothschilds, etc
It is in bad times profitable business is done - Andre Oscar Wallenberg in a letter 1879
Another motto that has served the family so well over the years says all you need to know about their modus operandi :
I'm adding this to my links I've collected so far on the Wallenbergs, thanks OP & Reddit OP
Wallenberg is a Black Nobility family
Backup Youtube Video Link:
2016-07-09 - maneco64 - The Chaos Profiteers. The Wallenbergs and George Soros..mp4
Backup Wallenberg Financial Times article PDF link
A great GAW post awhile back (go down to comments, I formatted the wall of text)
And down the rabbit hole we go... (LONG READ, worth it tho)
The Wallenberg family should be more often spoken of when you mention elites like Rothschilds and Rockefellers. It is said they have more money than the Rothschilds
Trump mentioned Ericsson in his latest speech. Ercisson/Wallenberg is key.The head of the DS.
Trump Speech On Ericsson (Non-Telegram Link)
Trump Speech Part 2 going over more on Clinton
You are all wrong - The Wallenberg Family in Sweden are leaders of the deep state
Someone asked who runs/owns everything? The invisible enemy. The "quiet" one.
A motto of the Wallenberg family that owns banks, AstraZeneca and arms maker SAAB as well as trillions of $ of other things. They are one of the top tier elites with Rockefellers, Rothschilds, etc
It is in bad times profitable business is done - Andre Oscar Wallenberg in a letter 1879
Another motto that has served the family so well over the years says all you need to know about their modus operandi :
Esse non videri – “to be, not to be seen”. “
There's our guy!