ITS AFRAID: UN Declares War on ‘Dangerous’ Conspiracy Theories: ‘The World Is NOT Secretly Manipulated By Global Elite’ 🖕😇🖕
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They are correct; the world is NOT secretly manipulated by a global elite; the manipulation occurs in plain sight and these parasites are not elite.
The world is not.
However, the western world is.
And the western world pushes their weight around to manipulate the rest of the world.
See how they did that?
Created a strawman that they could the try to discredit more easily.
The world most definitely is. You think the entire world moved in Lockstep because of a meme flu because the world ISNT ran by sociopathic pedophiles. Au contraire it is wholly because of the red shoe gang that the world moved in lockstep.
That is what finally woke me up. I remember when most of the world laughed at SARS and H1N1 but this weak ass COVID was suddenly the second coming of the black plague and somehow everyone was in agreement with how to handle it?
Then you would have to believe Russia invading Ukraine was part of their plan.
The cabal's plan? No. Putin is protecting Russia from the bioweapons labs the cabal but on Russian borders.
Putin knows about the cabal. He's fighting them.
Ever heard of the IMF? Who controls that? Who are the proxy’s on the Board of Directors? Third world and developing countries have to go to the IMF for money. Does the IMF follow ESG guidelines ? Who set the guidelines and where did they arise from?