When I had cable I searched for other news the very next day after election (used to watch Fox). I loved OAN immediately. Then with AT&T antics I dropped them, couldnt get OAN and havent been happy with any other news. Just yesterday my daughter set me up to stream OAN for 4.99/mo and I'm thrilled. I think I can spare $5/mo for real news as well as supporting the news that the left is trying to censor.
Yes, I do on Roku. But before you do that get it free for 3 months first. Plays live on any device plus on demand online. https://live.oann.com/home.ktv
If you want the best possible "news", which is a great step up from everything else you can get on your TV, but quite a step down from what you can get here on GA.
I have it mainly to support Pearson Sharp who has been over the target on the jabs for nearly 18 months now. They let him speak about as freely as possible to maintain normie sanity while planting some pink pills along way.
But, yes. OAN has excellent news - not just MAGA news, but genuine, “I just want to know what’s happening in the world in a calm and non-sensationalized way” kind of news.
ATT/DirecTV recently dropped (which is how I saw it previously) and so did Fios.
We do need to put our money where our mouth is and support actual journalism so that it can grow and thrive.
They are the only mainstream news media outlet worth listening to, I say support them.
You can get oan on klowd tv, look into that see if it's any cheaper
I pay $3 a month and I get a lot of extra channels
When I had cable I searched for other news the very next day after election (used to watch Fox). I loved OAN immediately. Then with AT&T antics I dropped them, couldnt get OAN and havent been happy with any other news. Just yesterday my daughter set me up to stream OAN for 4.99/mo and I'm thrilled. I think I can spare $5/mo for real news as well as supporting the news that the left is trying to censor.
I really missed Pearson Sharp.
I’ve heard Klowd TV has it for $30 a year or something around that
Yes, I do on Roku. But before you do that get it free for 3 months first. Plays live on any device plus on demand online. https://live.oann.com/home.ktv
I prefer KloudTV with OAN and several other choices. https://www.klowdtv.com/packages.ktv
If you want the best possible "news", which is a great step up from everything else you can get on your TV, but quite a step down from what you can get here on GA.
I have it mainly to support Pearson Sharp who has been over the target on the jabs for nearly 18 months now. They let him speak about as freely as possible to maintain normie sanity while planting some pink pills along way.
There's OAN+ on Pluto TV, which is free.
... and time-lagged behind the real broadcast. Still a good intro though!
I think it’s cheaper through klowd tv.
But, yes. OAN has excellent news - not just MAGA news, but genuine, “I just want to know what’s happening in the world in a calm and non-sensationalized way” kind of news.
ATT/DirecTV recently dropped (which is how I saw it previously) and so did Fios.
We do need to put our money where our mouth is and support actual journalism so that it can grow and thrive.
Propaganda is free but real news costs money to make. Support OAN!