I disagree with your assessment. They said right in there comment to not assume. Sorry but I dont agree. People are so quick to attack the mods over trivial things when they flat out said Please don’t assume it was Cabal planned
Guess what, the first thing I thought when I saw this title , Was she not killed? I don’t know but I have the feeling she was murdered because we have the primaries now and she is a Republican and truth social people are talking about it specially those people who live in Illinois. I don’t like the idea of criticizing but Demoncrats always planned everything.
Yes but its foolish of us to just assume that. Accidents do happen. We tend to be quick to just throw the cabal did it line out and then halts the digging process. It very well could have been but it also could have been just a car accident
This is so fucking retarded I felt my own IQ drop when I read it. You feel she was murdered. Who the fuck are you? Some uber investigator with all manner of inside connections, politicians who owe you favors, friends who are white hat spies for various three letter organizations? No? Well how about some fucktard on the internet who likes to spew shit because it makes your pee-pee hard?
Four people are dead, including the driver of the vehicle who caused the accident. Have some respect for their families and learn to recognize times when shit just happens. Not every event that occurs is part of a movie or caused by the shadow people. Sometimes shitty things happen to good people for no reason whatsoever.
Sorry but no. This is the sort of retarded bullshit my friends and family throw in my face when I try to explain the truth to them. Shit like this and shit like 'omG ThE vACcInE HaS AliENS LiVinG in It!' and shit like 'JFK is alive' are exactly why they choose not to listen.
What's the use of trying to have an alternate source of real truth when a good 70% of it is pure obvious bullshit that a third grader can spot? We can be better. We need to be better. If we want to have ANY hope for the future, we MUST be better than this.
I'm not attacking the mod, I'm pointing out propaganda. We are so used to it we do it, and don't realize we are doing it. I'm not suggesting it was done with nefarious intent, but that doesn't mean it wasn't done. We have been trained to both listen to it and to use it in our rhetoric. We do it all the fucking time.
I am pointing it out because I see it. It is not an attack, it is pointing out how we are led by the nose through propaganda down certain lines of thought. Making a clear statement of "No, it was not planned" is using rhetoric to steer belief in a specific direction, regardless of intent.
If this wasn't done with a sticky, in big bright red letters, put on the front page for as long as the poster wants, I wouldn't have called it out. When people with Authority abuse that power, even if not intentionally, it guides belief. Guiding belief with rhetoric is the definition of propaganda, intentional or not.
I disagree with your assessment. They said right in there comment to not assume. Sorry but I dont agree. People are so quick to attack the mods over trivial things when they flat out said Please don’t assume it was Cabal planned
Guess what, the first thing I thought when I saw this title , Was she not killed? I don’t know but I have the feeling she was murdered because we have the primaries now and she is a Republican and truth social people are talking about it specially those people who live in Illinois. I don’t like the idea of criticizing but Demoncrats always planned everything.
Yes but its foolish of us to just assume that. Accidents do happen. We tend to be quick to just throw the cabal did it line out and then halts the digging process. It very well could have been but it also could have been just a car accident
Well I feel more informed and safer already.
This is so fucking retarded I felt my own IQ drop when I read it. You feel she was murdered. Who the fuck are you? Some uber investigator with all manner of inside connections, politicians who owe you favors, friends who are white hat spies for various three letter organizations? No? Well how about some fucktard on the internet who likes to spew shit because it makes your pee-pee hard?
Four people are dead, including the driver of the vehicle who caused the accident. Have some respect for their families and learn to recognize times when shit just happens. Not every event that occurs is part of a movie or caused by the shadow people. Sometimes shitty things happen to good people for no reason whatsoever.
While I agree with what your saying can we please maybe try to say it with a little more love. We are alll on the same team. Part of the same family.
Sorry but no. This is the sort of retarded bullshit my friends and family throw in my face when I try to explain the truth to them. Shit like this and shit like 'omG ThE vACcInE HaS AliENS LiVinG in It!' and shit like 'JFK is alive' are exactly why they choose not to listen.
What's the use of trying to have an alternate source of real truth when a good 70% of it is pure obvious bullshit that a third grader can spot? We can be better. We need to be better. If we want to have ANY hope for the future, we MUST be better than this.
I'm not attacking the mod, I'm pointing out propaganda. We are so used to it we do it, and don't realize we are doing it. I'm not suggesting it was done with nefarious intent, but that doesn't mean it wasn't done. We have been trained to both listen to it and to use it in our rhetoric. We do it all the fucking time.
I am pointing it out because I see it. It is not an attack, it is pointing out how we are led by the nose through propaganda down certain lines of thought. Making a clear statement of "No, it was not planned" is using rhetoric to steer belief in a specific direction, regardless of intent.
If this wasn't done with a sticky, in big bright red letters, put on the front page for as long as the poster wants, I wouldn't have called it out. When people with Authority abuse that power, even if not intentionally, it guides belief. Guiding belief with rhetoric is the definition of propaganda, intentional or not.
I've already said everything I wanted to say about this topic. You are free to view it how u want. God bless u. Have a good night