A mathematician, Abraham Wald, pointed out that perhaps the reason certain areas of the planes weren’t covered in bullet holes was that planes that were shot in certain critical areas did not return.
This insight led to the armor being re-enforced on the parts of returning planes where there were no bullet holes. This wisdom was also beneficially applied to the Skyraider during the Korean War.
This shows that the reasons why we are missing certain data may be more meaningful than the available data, itself.
So, in all the many questions we ask here on GAW, don’t only listen to what the evidence says, listen also to what is not being said.
I think in practice one thing you can do is not look at where the MSM is aiming their fire, look at what they won't even talk about.
Think about why the MSM doesn't attack GITMO ad nauseum, day after day like they did when W was around. Not only has GITMO not been shut down, Trump tripled the size and it's still operational. Because they don't want to even think about GITMO let alone talk about it. Because people might start to believe that patriots really are in control.
Why aren't they screaming about big bad Putin putting troops in Nicaragua when it is as close to our shores as Cuba was during the Bay of Pigs? Because people might ask whether there are biological "research" labs there.
Don't look at what they talk about. Look at what they don't talk about .
And why isn't CNN screaming about the Logan act?
Pompeo, Grenell, & other Trump admin folks have been meeting with all sorts of foreign dignitaries. Trump spent time with the Hungarian PM last weekend.
Nicaragua? I hadn't heard about that yet....
totally agree with your post. My MO is if the MSM is pointing their excrement cannons in a particular direction, I always look the opposite direction with the expectation of being close to the truth.