🎥 Anon Theatre: The Hunt For Red October (1990)
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Q linked a movie clip from "Hunt for Red October", the scene called " Combat tactics, Mr Ryan".
In this scene, the subs Captain explains how he saved the sub and the crew even though the torpedoes had been launched and couldn't be evaded so everyone, but the Captain, believed they were doomed.
Bottom line, the subs captain didn't try to evade the torpedoes since they couldn't be evaded. Instead he ACCELERATED towards them. Everyone thought he was insane. But of course he wasnt insane; he was a very stable genius. :-) Please watch the clip to understand why ACCELERATING towards the torpedoes worked.
Anyway, Qs link to this scene helped me start to understand President Trumps Operation Warp Speed.
The vaccines == the torpedoes. NWO lockdown plan == 10 YEARS before vaccines were available and the lock downs could be ended. OWS == vaccines available in 10 MONTHS.
Thank God President Trump kept telling everyone he was proud of OWS despite intense blowback from "supporters". That made me curious enough to figure out why he kept bringing up OWS and why he was so proud of it.
Oysters create pearls when irritated by grit they can't get rid of. Trump definitely gives me lots of "pearls of wisdom" producing "grit".
Once I became curious, I remembered Qs movie link. Like Q+, Q is also a source of grit since I always wonder why Q posts things, especially video clips. There are ALWAYS reasons. Future proves past ie how accurate past guesses were.
Once again, Q plus Q+ == An epiphany pearl of wisdom insight. 😘
Finally ALL wars involve REAL sacrifices, suffering, casualties and martyrs. This is REALITY. Those who expect President Trump to wage war on and defeat the Global Death Cult without REAL sacrifices, suffering, casualties or martyrs are still media tranced and are easily psyop duped into lashing out at the " life guard" trying to save them.
Indeed...Stable Genius!
Speaking of "grit" checkout release date of 'True Grit' 12-22-10; It was released during the 2007-2013 mini-awakening, but unclear if it has more of a message besides the title and date. Some overtones of protecting children which I like, but been a while since I watched. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/True_Grit_(2010_film)