What burns me, as a scientist, is that the "man-made global warming" theory is NOT supported by the past 40 years of data collection! And yet, even many so-called conservatives tacitly support it while condemning carbon-reduction initiatives. Instead of starting by saying, "Despite the un-supported "climate crisis", the efforts to reduce U.S. CO2 emissions will cause serious, negative, economic effects to our country", they leave out the fact that there IS NO CLIMATE CRISIS!
What burns me, as a scientist, is that the "man-made global warming" theory is NOT supported by the past 40 years of data collection! And yet, even many so-called conservatives tacitly support it while condemning carbon-reduction initiatives. Instead of starting by saying, "Despite the un-supported "climate crisis", the efforts to reduce U.S. CO2 emissions will cause serious, negative, economic effects to our country", they leave out the fact that there IS NO CLIMATE CRISIS!
Imagine a person being so stupid that they actually believe that carbon dioxide is harmful to the environment!
Apparently, they flunked Biology 101: Study of Plants.
Seriously. No common sense. "A celebrity says it's bad so it must be bad!"