I hope Trump labeled one of his safes, "Super Duper Bigly Incriminating Stuff!" And there inside the safe is a box, sealed with multiple layers of tape and plastic. When the Fag Boys Inc. peel the layers off the box and they open it up, you know what they'll find? A big fat turd. The biggest turd, believe me. Then the Boys will have to sift the poo through their fingers to find what's hidden inside. Corn.
I hope Trump labeled one of his safes, "Super Duper Bigly Incriminating Stuff!" And there inside the safe is a box, sealed with multiple layers of tape and plastic. When the Fag Boys Inc. peel the layers off the box and they open it up, you know what they'll find? A big fat turd. The biggest turd, believe me. Then the Boys will have to sift the poo through their fingers to find what's hidden inside. Corn.
I literally read this in Trump's voice.
Ahahahahahahah....if only.
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