I've been saying this for a while now, the first arrest is going to blow everybody's mind and get everybody's attention. And it's got to be him. How else do you introduce evidence? And you know the msm will cover every second of it. This is going to be amazing
Exactly, MSN would be frothing at the mouth 24/7. All of the libtards would be paying attention and twittering and just going absolutely apeshit. The entire world would have its eyes on it. But when you know the truth, there's only so many ways to truly gain the global audience to explain the truth or show the truth. Time and time again he's been five steps ahead of them, the whole team knows it. This makes me happy because it means things are finally moving forward...
I was just having this discussion with a fren. They could definitely plant something, but camera are everywhere and I am sure voice recording as well. Can’t trust the eff 🐝 👁
thought the same 'the first arrest" but didnt want peep to get underware all wedgied.. *fixed it first arrest. "who was surprised" "who will be surprised"
If they plant something, this could be the first arrest.
I've been saying this for a while now, the first arrest is going to blow everybody's mind and get everybody's attention. And it's got to be him. How else do you introduce evidence? And you know the msm will cover every second of it. This is going to be amazing
Juan O Savin has been talking about the gut punch...Trump being arrested would get all eyes on!
Exactly, MSN would be frothing at the mouth 24/7. All of the libtards would be paying attention and twittering and just going absolutely apeshit. The entire world would have its eyes on it. But when you know the truth, there's only so many ways to truly gain the global audience to explain the truth or show the truth. Time and time again he's been five steps ahead of them, the whole team knows it. This makes me happy because it means things are finally moving forward...
You got it. I am very much enjoying the show.
Been saying Trump will be the first arrest...he knew this all along!
Tore is saying the same thing.
I was just having this discussion with a fren. They could definitely plant something, but camera are everywhere and I am sure voice recording as well. Can’t trust the eff 🐝 👁
Great point.
what a thought
My son, who doesn't follow all this but has a good head on his shoulders, said that right away. He doesn't know about the first arrest Q drop.
thought the same 'the first arrest" but didnt want peep to get underware all wedgied.. *fixed it first arrest. "who was surprised" "who will be surprised"
Q never said that. “will shock the world”. Just FYI.
my error. my head was spinning
The first arrest confirms direction. Not shock anyone.
Will watch this play out with our keen eyes 👀 !
It would shock the world alright