Celebrities are used in Comms, they symbolize what role made them famous in the first place. For Pamela Anderson, it was an infamous sex tape. She symbolizes "sex tapes" in Comms. There is specific meaning conveyed to Comms Aware Clowns and Patriots when she hand delivers a sandwich to Julian Assange in custody.
Olivia Newton-John's most defining role? Sandy from Grease, one of the Pink Ladies. You decode that role, and you've unlocked Olivia's usage in Comms.
However unlike RFK and JFK who were murdered, Ted Kennedy’s POTUS aspirations were crushed by a different kind of tragedy. Chappaquiddick, and this is a rabbit hole we are going to go down in this post, it surprised me and it straightened out my understanding of events.
Officially Chappaquiddick is when Ted Kennedy was driving a young Robert Kennedy Aide in his car, and he crashed his car into the water which led to her drowning to death."
Thank you so much. I have alot to learn about comms. Ya'll have been great in pointing me in a great direction. And the explanations. Much appreciated!
Ok, but what confuses me is how it all gets timed. Granted, Olivia Newton John had had cancer on and off for quite some time - it is not surprising she died. But Grease was utilized for comms and it is arguably what she is best known for and the day she dies is the day Trump's home just happens to be raided the feds? I am not saying it isn't happening, but more that this I where I get lost.
Olivia Newton John's death, if it is actually a symbol, needn't necessarily be in regards to the raid on Mar-a-lago. There are Comms conversations going on in every popular film, every popular tv series, even popular (read: algorithm boosted) Youtube videos.
Could she be authentically dead? Maybe. But the picture of Trump with her circulating points me into this being a Comm. That, and an underlying thread that's permeated all of the Comms World. That is, this Great Awakening we're on, aka the exposure of Comms in the first place. Concept is dubbed "Field of Dreams".
How best to wake up celeb-obsessed normies? While tangibly shattering any last remnant of the Media's credibility at the same time? You bring "dead" celebrities back to life. All words spoken by them would be taken as gospel. Every death since 2019+ should be held with some suspicion. Especially if that celeb was a "trusted voice" for a given demographic. Comms specifically mention Alex Trebek and Rush Limbaugh coming back.
Celebrities are used in Comms, they symbolize what role made them famous in the first place. For Pamela Anderson, it was an infamous sex tape. She symbolizes "sex tapes" in Comms. There is specific meaning conveyed to Comms Aware Clowns and Patriots when she hand delivers a sandwich to Julian Assange in custody.
Olivia Newton-John's most defining role? Sandy from Grease, one of the Pink Ladies. You decode that role, and you've unlocked Olivia's usage in Comms.
Surprise surprise, Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies is currently filming in 2022.
Bobby Kennedy's Boiler Room Girls.
"Ted Kennedy: Chappaquiddick He was heavily involved in 1977 in the MKUltra investigation. Just search for Kennedy and find 188 instances, mostly him asking questions. https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/hearings/95mkultra.pdf
However unlike RFK and JFK who were murdered, Ted Kennedy’s POTUS aspirations were crushed by a different kind of tragedy. Chappaquiddick, and this is a rabbit hole we are going to go down in this post, it surprised me and it straightened out my understanding of events.
Officially Chappaquiddick is when Ted Kennedy was driving a young Robert Kennedy Aide in his car, and he crashed his car into the water which led to her drowning to death."
Thank you so much. I have alot to learn about comms. Ya'll have been great in pointing me in a great direction. And the explanations. Much appreciated!
Ok, but what confuses me is how it all gets timed. Granted, Olivia Newton John had had cancer on and off for quite some time - it is not surprising she died. But Grease was utilized for comms and it is arguably what she is best known for and the day she dies is the day Trump's home just happens to be raided the feds? I am not saying it isn't happening, but more that this I where I get lost.
If you recognize that all of the media is propoganda, then you can realize that a. Maybe she's dead b. Maybe she isn't. We really don't know.
Olivia Newton John's death, if it is actually a symbol, needn't necessarily be in regards to the raid on Mar-a-lago. There are Comms conversations going on in every popular film, every popular tv series, even popular (read: algorithm boosted) Youtube videos.
Could she be authentically dead? Maybe. But the picture of Trump with her circulating points me into this being a Comm. That, and an underlying thread that's permeated all of the Comms World. That is, this Great Awakening we're on, aka the exposure of Comms in the first place. Concept is dubbed "Field of Dreams".
How best to wake up celeb-obsessed normies? While tangibly shattering any last remnant of the Media's credibility at the same time? You bring "dead" celebrities back to life. All words spoken by them would be taken as gospel. Every death since 2019+ should be held with some suspicion. Especially if that celeb was a "trusted voice" for a given demographic. Comms specifically mention Alex Trebek and Rush Limbaugh coming back.
Thanks for the explanation!