Like that symbol, they will eventually consume themselves. After that destruction will be rebirth, of something fresh and new and better to take its place.
The deepstate fears being rendered powerless and ineffectual. They are a bunch of pretentious old men playing at ruling the world - but the world is leaving them behind.
Aquinas spoke of the mythical city set on the hill. We are that city. That example.
Apparently his account was immediately suspended. Over target.
it looks like it
they are running around trying to cover their own tracks... eating their on feces, so to speak.
The Ouroboros, swallowing its own tail.
Like that symbol, they will eventually consume themselves. After that destruction will be rebirth, of something fresh and new and better to take its place.
The deepstate fears being rendered powerless and ineffectual. They are a bunch of pretentious old men playing at ruling the world - but the world is leaving them behind.
Aquinas spoke of the mythical city set on the hill. We are that city. That example.
"We" are the future. Where we go one we go all.
Ouroboros is a symbol of immortality not transformation.
Those old bunch of crooks are done.