Their true colours are shown in their demonic building. The destruction of the 5 faces of the GG simulated what needs to happen to the UN, WEF, WHO, EU and CDC buildings.
Obviously the UN won't do shit, since it's part of the Edomite's attempt to subvert and destroy humanity. This will, however, help to wake more normies.
The lack of accessibility clearly shows the UN don't give a damn. Wonder when and how they respond, if they do.
Yes, I know. But it will clearly show their true colors!
Their true colours are shown in their demonic building. The destruction of the 5 faces of the GG simulated what needs to happen to the UN, WEF, WHO, EU and CDC buildings.
Lol, dad! Mommy won’t let me have ice cream, can I have some!
The UN; so dumb!
Obviously the UN won't do shit, since it's part of the Edomite's attempt to subvert and destroy humanity. This will, however, help to wake more normies.
The spell is amazing.
That's a woman?????