Do you know the remark people make about somebody who asks you to prove some thing regarding Q, or being awake for 5 to 10 years. It’s those 5-10 years of studying, investigating, and digging, that helps you to come to the conclusion that you have come to. So somebody will flippantly say - well prove it. Or say tell me why. But to do so, you can’t just do it in one comment or one text. It just can’t be done.
In all walks of life there are good and bad people, that includes Jewish people. Anybody who is Jewish, has different beliefs systems, different depths of those beliefs, and may or may not even celebrate the rituals that they’re supposed to adhere to.
There are many prophecies in the Bible that coincide with Israel, and what is supposed to happen in the end days. To understand all that, it’s a specialty that people would really need to study heavily to understand. I don’t claim to know all of that knowledge, but one of my pastors is an end times specialist.
There’s so much more to what’s going to be happening from here on out, and yes Israel is saved for last because God‘s word says it is. Not because Q says it is. That being said, yes there are bad Jews in the world, and quite a few of them have it out for us. They want to destroy us, and are trying their best. But Not ALL Jews! There are plenty of other people who are not Jewish who are working together in one accord.
Not all blacks, not all women, not all Jews, not all… You fill in the blank. Life doesn’t work that way.
I am sure that I won’t be answering the question that you want, because that would take endless years of studying digging and research.
But if you really want to know more about the end times, and watch a bunch of videos my pastors done on it, you can go to This link, and look for the teachings by Pastor John Higgins, Calvary Chapel Tri-City Arizona. It should be under end times or prophecy central something like that.
Of course I can’t find the actual studies that my pastor did, they used to be on the website but I can’t find them. And I don’t want to take up a bunch of time trying to find them. I posted a bunch of links above that you can watch if you’re Interested.
For over 20 years I've known Mossad and the Deep state were behind 9/11. Dual citizenship Israelis, the project for The New American Century and widespread pedophile blackmail made it happen. I've wanted to Nuke Israel ever since.
Right, because every single person that lives in Israel is responsible for what happened? Got it? It’s the year 2022, and I am just shocked to hear people talk like this. It shows how ignorant people still are in the world it just blows my mind.
Right now there’s some woman who lives in Israel, heck she might not even be Jewish, and she has a family and she’s trying to raise her children. She has absolutely nothing to do with anything that happen with 9/11, she’s just trying to live her life, gets up, makes breakfast for her family, and her husband goes off to work.
But yeah… We should kill them all right? I just find it so amusing that people are so narrow minded. The truth that all the people that live in Israel are Jews, is the same truth that all Americans are Christian? Because it isn’t a truth.
The funny thing is is that it doesn’t matter what you think. What matters is what God thinks, and it really is going to be saved for last, and there’s nothing you can do about that. God will deal with Israel in his time, not ours.
But you just keep carrying around that anger, bitterness, and resentment, and see how far it gets you in life. Unforgiveness is a killer of peace, joy, and love!
I honestly hope that you find some type of remedy to your dilemma.
All pedos
Every fucking time. At the heart of communism and their color revolutions is an evil power hungry culture that created a (((Marx))).
There’s a huge difference between people who are Jewish, and the entire state of Israel.
Why don't you tell me what it is.
Edit. He didn't give me an answer, he just downvoted me.
Do you know the remark people make about somebody who asks you to prove some thing regarding Q, or being awake for 5 to 10 years. It’s those 5-10 years of studying, investigating, and digging, that helps you to come to the conclusion that you have come to. So somebody will flippantly say - well prove it. Or say tell me why. But to do so, you can’t just do it in one comment or one text. It just can’t be done.
In all walks of life there are good and bad people, that includes Jewish people. Anybody who is Jewish, has different beliefs systems, different depths of those beliefs, and may or may not even celebrate the rituals that they’re supposed to adhere to.
There are many prophecies in the Bible that coincide with Israel, and what is supposed to happen in the end days. To understand all that, it’s a specialty that people would really need to study heavily to understand. I don’t claim to know all of that knowledge, but one of my pastors is an end times specialist.
There’s so much more to what’s going to be happening from here on out, and yes Israel is saved for last because God‘s word says it is. Not because Q says it is. That being said, yes there are bad Jews in the world, and quite a few of them have it out for us. They want to destroy us, and are trying their best. But Not ALL Jews! There are plenty of other people who are not Jewish who are working together in one accord.
Not all blacks, not all women, not all Jews, not all… You fill in the blank. Life doesn’t work that way.
I am sure that I won’t be answering the question that you want, because that would take endless years of studying digging and research.
But if you really want to know more about the end times, and watch a bunch of videos my pastors done on it, you can go to This link, and look for the teachings by Pastor John Higgins, Calvary Chapel Tri-City Arizona. It should be under end times or prophecy central something like that.
Of course I can’t find the actual studies that my pastor did, they used to be on the website but I can’t find them. And I don’t want to take up a bunch of time trying to find them. I posted a bunch of links above that you can watch if you’re Interested.
Nice copy pasta
For over 20 years I've known Mossad and the Deep state were behind 9/11. Dual citizenship Israelis, the project for The New American Century and widespread pedophile blackmail made it happen. I've wanted to Nuke Israel ever since.
Right, because every single person that lives in Israel is responsible for what happened? Got it? It’s the year 2022, and I am just shocked to hear people talk like this. It shows how ignorant people still are in the world it just blows my mind.
Right now there’s some woman who lives in Israel, heck she might not even be Jewish, and she has a family and she’s trying to raise her children. She has absolutely nothing to do with anything that happen with 9/11, she’s just trying to live her life, gets up, makes breakfast for her family, and her husband goes off to work.
But yeah… We should kill them all right? I just find it so amusing that people are so narrow minded. The truth that all the people that live in Israel are Jews, is the same truth that all Americans are Christian? Because it isn’t a truth.
The funny thing is is that it doesn’t matter what you think. What matters is what God thinks, and it really is going to be saved for last, and there’s nothing you can do about that. God will deal with Israel in his time, not ours.
But you just keep carrying around that anger, bitterness, and resentment, and see how far it gets you in life. Unforgiveness is a killer of peace, joy, and love!
I honestly hope that you find some type of remedy to your dilemma.
The modern day nation-state of Israel that is currently inhabited by the KM is absolutely NOT the Israel of the bible.