You can tell the dude wasn't an Ohio native. He literally used a "Nail gun" to storm the FBI office. LMAO. I know guys in Ohio with 30 round clips and binary triggers. I knew immediately this was a bullshit story lol. If someone from Ohio came in their to clean out the FBI office there would have been a lot more dead people. You already have to have very little will to live to live in Ohio anyways so I immediately knew that some Rando "waging war" with a nailgun was bullshit lolololol.
I don't know whether he glows or not, but he had a reason for using the nail gun. He thought that he could use it to break the bulletproof glass in the fed office.
Well, that's a shitty reason. Bulletproof glass is thicker and laminated to maintain its integrity in the case of kinetic or penetrative impact.
Even if he drove a nail into it, it would not break...and why he would think a nail would work but not a bullet is either ridiculous retardism or glowing.
Hilarious that he wasn't smart enough to just bring a crow bar. The entire logic mechanism breaks down in droves. That's how you know its 100% fake and gay lol
You can tell the dude wasn't an Ohio native. He literally used a "Nail gun" to storm the FBI office. LMAO. I know guys in Ohio with 30 round clips and binary triggers. I knew immediately this was a bullshit story lol. If someone from Ohio came in their to clean out the FBI office there would have been a lot more dead people. You already have to have very little will to live to live in Ohio anyways so I immediately knew that some Rando "waging war" with a nailgun was bullshit lolololol.
What's a 30 round clip?
Maybe he’s talking about a pack of 30 round shaped bag clips to close the unfinished cheetohs.
The thing next to the black thing that goes up…c’mon man! Thought you dudes were gUn ViOlEnCe experts?
“magazine” purists
I have a gun with a 150 round drum clip. Fires pretty fast in auto mode (bump trigger) I've laid down 10 square of architectuals in a day.
Definitely a false flag
I don't know whether he glows or not, but he had a reason for using the nail gun. He thought that he could use it to break the bulletproof glass in the fed office.
1 man army vs entire federal police building. Any sane person knows you don’t go up against that without losing.
I completely agree. The nail gun was the one good idea in an otherwise incredibly stupid plan.
Well, that's a shitty reason. Bulletproof glass is thicker and laminated to maintain its integrity in the case of kinetic or penetrative impact.
Even if he drove a nail into it, it would not break...and why he would think a nail would work but not a bullet is either ridiculous retardism or glowing.
Well, there is the plus that Home Depot doesn't require a background check for their arms.
Ban assault construction equipment
Hilarious that he wasn't smart enough to just bring a crow bar. The entire logic mechanism breaks down in droves. That's how you know its 100% fake and gay lol