Excerpt from United States Senate document #264:
"It is bad news to learn from our leading authorities that 99 percent of the American people are deficient in these minerals, and that a marked deficiency in any one or more of the important minerals actually results in disease. Any upset of the balance, any considerable lack of one or another element, however microscopic the body requirement may be, and we sicken, suffer, shorten our lives."
Could have been better, I rambled a lot and over explained and made some poor word choices due to me rushing to finish my thought since I had something to do.
Keto is great. I love it. I'm not on it right now -- I have actually fallen into a high carb lifestyle again that I have to work back out from -- but I want to go back to it.
Sugar definitely not great for you, that much is clear. It's fine to eat, but the amounts we have to eat now compared to what we used to eat is insane, and I stand by my assessment and research that points to the desensitization of our sweet receptors due to the flood of corn syrup.
Good for bulking too. But keto gives me such a surge of energy and alleviates many of my aches due to the lowered inflammation. I always recommend keto.
I've only been doing keto for about 2 months or so and intermittent fasting for about a year. But I've already noticed my sweet receptors getting reprogrammed, or deprogrammed I guess? I had my usual sugary coffee creamer the other day because I ran out of heavy cream and found it was actually too sweet, almost gross? definitely not as delicious as the heavy cream with stevia and vanilla I have been using.
Also find myself craving for that higher fat content as the old creamer tasted watery and unsatisfying, wasn't cheap stuff either. I won't be doing keto forever, I think its best as a course correction for basically everything wrong with modern diets. Carbs will definitely have a reduced representation in my diet for the future though.