So just a few short weeks ago there was talk and and panic about New York prepping for a nuclear fallout type of incident. Now with the narrative that President Trump had the nuclear codes or whatever, one must ponder the possibility that they are getting ready for their false flag event involving nuclear weapons...
I really hope I am over thinking this...
Please, refresh my memory.
Dec 25 2020 Nashville
wasnt there nsa data storage there and something tying dominion voting ..too
I recall that yes. Supposed DOD black site ?
27 days ago you joined> search bar top right got some homework ahead,get busy
Search bar works for you? Doesn’t for me.
Lmao, I've been here since the Reddit exodus.
Something to do with an AT&T/Verizon building being involved if my memory serves me right
Remember how many were killed during this operation? We thought at the time it was the work of patriots
0 innocents, supposedly just the "bomber"
Wray is a sleeper
Ok, the reference to the building threw me off. I definitely remember that bombing, but, had no knowledge of said windowless building. What's the deal with that building?