So just a few short weeks ago there was talk and and panic about New York prepping for a nuclear fallout type of incident. Now with the narrative that President Trump had the nuclear codes or whatever, one must ponder the possibility that they are getting ready for their false flag event involving nuclear weapons...
I really hope I am over thinking this...
I think nuclear means blackmail. Everything we have ever been told about "contagious diseases" is a giant lie. Nearly every facet of medicine taught in schools is a giant lie. Evolution is fake and dinosaurs are a giant hoax. Our adversary is the Father of Lies- when he lies, he speaks his native tongue.
The bombs dropped on Japan were called Fat Man and Little Boy. Given all we know about the Cabal using pedophilia and blackmail for control, how surprising would it be if these were simply literal. Is there a better "hiding in plain sight" naming of a blackmail tactic than Fat Man and Little boy? Is there a better deterrent for the citizens of the world to bow down in the face of tyranny than using "nuclear weapons"- some grand threat hanging over the world where if you don't pay your taxes and support military buildup and be a good little citizen and let our Oligarchy handle the "tenuous political relationships", that the controllers of the world might just have a petty argument and kill billions of people with a press of a button?
This just sounds like exactly the same playbook we see today with everything else. We have been tricked into giving up our autonomy and ownership of this world in exchange for nothing.
There were zero fallout/radiation issues after Hiroshima/Nagasaki and their population isn't all full of cancer from radiation sickness- they should have been. Obviously the US bombed the crap out of Japan, but with two giant nuclear weapons? I don't believe at face value anything we are told about anything anymore.
"Fat Man" and "Little Boy" were code names selected to mimic the physical appearance of the bombs. "Fat Man" was a spheroid surrounding a spherical implosion bomb. "Little Boy" was a much smaller, cylindrical gun-assembly bomb. Cabal naming conventions are more bizarre to entertain than Martians writing their names on the bombs.
There were zero radiation/ fallout problems from the bomb bursts because the fallout drifted away and was dilute enough not to be a problem. This is typical for a tactical nuclear weapon...but not the story that was propagandized to inspire fear in the public over nuclear weapons and technology. Likewise, the Japanese survivors did not demonstrate an undue incidence of cancers. There was no "should have been," since this was the first and only experience of the situation. There is still controversy over the "zero tolerance, linear dosage" assumption that predicts cancers and deaths. The data seems to indicate that "hormesis" applies to radiation exposure as to all toxins: there is an exposure level that is actually optimal for human health, either higher or LOWER exposure is less healthy. This means that some low dosage of radiation is actually healthy for human beings. Not too surprising, since we live in a low radiation natural environment.
It took the Japanese two bombs to come to their senses and realize they had no future prospect of winning the war, and that surrender was the wiser choice. Two bombs. They couldn't come to that realization with one bomb, which is a measure of the sway held by the military in their counsels.
I am sorry, but it seems the reason you don't believe things is that you don't know things.