But Trump and the military couldn't put that information out to the public. Did we know about this before the Pit show? I didn't and now we are armed with this info.
And what is anyone going to do with that info? Trump had it. Mil had it. What is the purpose of people having it just for the sake of saying they have it? Now, there is a chance that putting this out there in the public sphere puts more pressure on certain players, but I find it hard to belive making it public knowledge would move the needle at all. They ARE the media and will spin it however tbey like and the sheep will buy every ounce of it.
Because ultimately its WE THE PEOPLE who will take this nation back. You need to revisit the Trump speech . The one that will get him re elected. In the end...we will rise up. That's our God given right. Bolstered by our beautiful Constitution. The real one. Not the corporate one they stuff in your face. The Constitution FOR the United States of America. Not "The Constitution "OF" THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" capitalisation in legal documents has a specific meaning. CORPORATION.
A lot of this was put out there the days after the election. If Trump knew and the millitary knew, and did nothing. What are normal citizens supposed to do with that information?
Go to the FBI? Bet not, since Gregg did that. Go to the millitary? For what purpose if they already knew?
So, having this info in normie hands serves zero purpose. Knowing for the sake of knowing does nothing. If these people had half a brain they would know that. Unless they are putting it out there for a different reason.
I think the idea of the precipice having to be reached is the reason why they did nothing. (Also we don't know if they did anything behind the scenes).
People have to be shown how corrupt things are. People have to wake up.
Why do so many people have faith that the military is on our side and going to save the republic?
The military is full of trannies, queers, retards, deviants, degenerates, followers, communists, and mercenaries. And the officer ranks are even worse. They care only about getting a check in the right boxes on their fitrep, so they can get promoted and get even more pay and privilege. The officer ranks are so deep in the Deep State and swamp that they can't even see daylight.
It was bad enough in the 90s and early 00s, and that was before faggots were blatant about their faggotry and .mil offered dick-chopping surgery for trannies.
There are a few among the enlisted who would be on our side. A bunch more like that fishmonger truck driver cunt who said she wanted to kill Americans. And the majority who just want a steady paycheck, lots of booze, lots of pussy (or thousands of dicks, in the case of female 'sErViCeMeMbErS'), and a chance to blow some shit up and kill some fuckers. That majority gives zero fucks about politics, and even though they swore an oath to the Constitution they have ZERO idea what's actually in it.
It's fuckin embarrassing what's become of the Corps since I EAS'ed. And the other branches are even worse.
The military is NOT going to save you. If they get involved, it'll be to kill you with an air or drone strike.
I agree not much of a ripcord if Trump/MIL already knew about it.
But Trump and the military couldn't put that information out to the public. Did we know about this before the Pit show? I didn't and now we are armed with this info.
Good stuff.
And what is anyone going to do with that info? Trump had it. Mil had it. What is the purpose of people having it just for the sake of saying they have it? Now, there is a chance that putting this out there in the public sphere puts more pressure on certain players, but I find it hard to belive making it public knowledge would move the needle at all. They ARE the media and will spin it however tbey like and the sheep will buy every ounce of it.
Because ultimately its WE THE PEOPLE who will take this nation back. You need to revisit the Trump speech . The one that will get him re elected. In the end...we will rise up. That's our God given right. Bolstered by our beautiful Constitution. The real one. Not the corporate one they stuff in your face. The Constitution FOR the United States of America. Not "The Constitution "OF" THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" capitalisation in legal documents has a specific meaning. CORPORATION.
Only thing I can think of is "Some thing shave to be discovered organically"
For what reason?
Trump and the Military would have to know about it. So what?
Heres the idea.
A lot of this was put out there the days after the election. If Trump knew and the millitary knew, and did nothing. What are normal citizens supposed to do with that information?
Go to the FBI? Bet not, since Gregg did that. Go to the millitary? For what purpose if they already knew?
So, having this info in normie hands serves zero purpose. Knowing for the sake of knowing does nothing. If these people had half a brain they would know that. Unless they are putting it out there for a different reason.
I think the idea of the precipice having to be reached is the reason why they did nothing. (Also we don't know if they did anything behind the scenes).
People have to be shown how corrupt things are. People have to wake up.
Public vs Trump/Mil.
Indeed. If Trump/MIL knew, then what is the point of all this fanfare?
And why hasn’t anything been done about it?
How would we know if something was or wasn't done? Would they telegraph their moves?
Why is Biden still president? Why hasn’t this all been overturned? Why has this gone on this long?
Why do so many people have faith that the military is on our side and going to save the republic?
The military is full of trannies, queers, retards, deviants, degenerates, followers, communists, and mercenaries. And the officer ranks are even worse. They care only about getting a check in the right boxes on their fitrep, so they can get promoted and get even more pay and privilege. The officer ranks are so deep in the Deep State and swamp that they can't even see daylight.
It was bad enough in the 90s and early 00s, and that was before faggots were blatant about their faggotry and .mil offered dick-chopping surgery for trannies.
There are a few among the enlisted who would be on our side. A bunch more like that fishmonger truck driver cunt who said she wanted to kill Americans. And the majority who just want a steady paycheck, lots of booze, lots of pussy (or thousands of dicks, in the case of female 'sErViCeMeMbErS'), and a chance to blow some shit up and kill some fuckers. That majority gives zero fucks about politics, and even though they swore an oath to the Constitution they have ZERO idea what's actually in it.
It's fuckin embarrassing what's become of the Corps since I EAS'ed. And the other branches are even worse.
The military is NOT going to save you. If they get involved, it'll be to kill you with an air or drone strike.
Trump just put out a video whose background music was seriously titled "Wwg1wga".
But sure, kid, there's totally no plan.