It's impossible for an analytical mind to not interpret every aspect of every single thing and then argue with oneself about which of the three most likely scenarios we should lay awake visualizing all night long.
We need each other. This is lonely.
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And a gem from God: My people are destroyed by lack of knowledge.
Learn to meditate and quiet your mind. Your life will change forever.
Classification of what matters in context to your personal life, mental state and well-being can help you focus on what is really important to you.
Thinking about everything that is happening can be fun, but at some point you simply do not have enough information to view the big picture to reach a logical conclusion.
You dig for information in whatever area of expertise you know and some people are just better at digging and investigating compared to others. Sometimes you just have to stop at some point while keeping that thought in the back of your mind until more information surfaces.
Everyone has limited amounts of information. We all have our own personal biases which we acquired in the process of just living our lives out. This further limits what information we will accept as possible truth or outright lie.
Figure out what you can and share. The good airplane guys will figure out the flight routes, the good doctors will figure out the health options, the good decoders will help make sense of the more cryptic messages and so on.
Most people shouldn't let their own thoughts and speculation incapacitate them. That is counterproductive.
It is also a part of the enemy's tactics to mentally exhaust you so that you are incapable of critical thinking when it matters.
Information is not about what, how, why or where.
It's about "When".
Yeah at first but, then your predictions become ever more accurate because you learn how the enemy thinks and their tactics. It can be reduced to this: If the enemy passes some bill or supports some agenda that sounds good, then we know we immediately it's bad. All we have to do at that point is point out the evil and deception. Easy pezzy japaneezy. P.S You might feel alone but, you are never alone.
I wonder what he thought when big pharma lined his pockets with silver for him to lecture us all to get vaxxed.
Hmmm!! I forgot about that!