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Just a place for general discussion. A place to unload whats on your mind and talk about anything - personal, health, help needed, achievements, daily highs and daily lows, theories, predictions and what have you.
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I think God is sending me a message: my work computer doesn’t start. So the holiday is over but it technically is not.🤓
I will commute and get this piece of crap replaced.
BTW, a very important news: today we celebrate the Virgin Mary which reminds me of sending all my best wishes to my Dear Fren u/Mary911 ! 🤗💐
The computer has quickly been repaired: its secure boot had a unique glitch. God was granting me a moderate return back to work and it allowed me to quickly commute and greet a few nice colleagues.🤓
Howdy, What kind of work do you do?
Dear LQdy Jules!🤗💐
I admin complex Linux based computer software for huge organizations. That’s like being a model train professional, or a fireman: if I don’t make it work, then I have to extinguish the fire before the company loses millions in minutes.
I am the best at what I do in 🇨🇭…
Dear Mary, we returned yesterday safely, it was raining on both ends of the road but never during the loading/unloading of the car.🤗
I just completed my « HOLD THE LINE » for today. I love the Luke 21:31 verse!🙏🏻
When I broke my leg I had to wear a secure boot which, thankfully, never had a unique glitch.
Yes, last night and tonight, Greece celebrates the "Panagiri". Personally, I can't eat and drink until 4am but the Greeks have amazing stamina!
On a more sombre note, I just met a lady with "vaxine regret". After taking the vaxes in order to travel she was sick with the wu flu and then developed an enlarged heart. Prognosis not good. I've directed her to the Z-Detox page. https://zstacklife.com/products/z-dtox
As regards computers, I use only Apple Mac laptops. They have their reliability problems but I have never bought a new one and never later than 2012, after which year Apple made it increasingly difficult to swap hard drive, battery and memory.
It's interesting to note that most laptop failures occur due to moisture. Now you are thinking "I keep mine in a dry environment!" Well, it's all about "dew point" which is just a few degrees lower than ambient temperature. If you move your laptop from a cool place (e.g. car trunk/boot or simply a car with aircon) then take it indoors, condensation occurs. If the laptop is immediately powered up, the fan sucks in moist air, which deposits water droplets inside on the electronics. In a couple of hours you have corrosion.
If you take the laptop from an icy vehicle into a steamy kitchen, the effect is much more pronounced!
So, whenever you move a laptop from a cool environment to a warmer one, first seal it in an airtight bag. Allow it an hour or two to reach room temperature before unsealing it. Or, to speed things up, you can put it in a very warm place (up to 30°C is OK) before unsealing it for use.
I would kill myself if I had to go through all that for my computer. I spilled a whole cup of tea on my Dell and immediately blotted it with lots of napkins and guess what happened? Nothing. So, keep doing all that stuff. I don't do anything and my two computers work just fine in rain, snow and sleet. Cnami Bog: God is with us.
If any electronics do get spills on them, placing in container filled under and on top with uncooked rice overnight absorbs the moisture and they usually work fine again. Had to do this with a few phones.
Dells are pretty well indestructible except that they have a habit of running the graphics chip so hot that it desolders itself! Keep the fan and vents free from dust bunnies.