What if Trump is setting the precident for the future arrests of Hussein and Clinton and this is all a major psyop for the normies. Remember Red October? He goes straight into the missle to win? Pompeo posted that Clinton's emails weren't raided and then Clinton immediately posted a tweet of a hat talking about her emails. Then Trump says they took away his passports. Did you read the Q drops? Hussein and Clinton would try to flee. Passports taken. Trump misspelled Mat-A-Lago. What if he's setting the table right now for the future. What if Trump actually does get arrested in the plot twist of the century in order to set the PRECIDENT. Trump was arrested? OK now bring on the storm. All deep state players are up for grabs now. All former Presidents. The optics would be incredible. And remember, Trump has key military figures watching his back. He talks about them all the time. "The ones behind the scenes." Am I crazy or is this integrated into the plan?
It would be wonderful but that’s a lot of planets to line up. Plausible though.
Taking Mat-A-Lago and rearranging those letters makes Amatol, which is an explosive mixture of ammonium nitrate and TNT. I believe the US Mil is up to something and Trump is letting us know about it.
He has already turned into the missile's path by 'allowing' the steal. MaL could also be long-term feint as Bedminster a more likely repository for docs.
Every problem has an advantage.
There is only one way to be on time. otherwise you are either too late or too early.
Exactly what I’ve been thinking. It had to be this way.
If he gets arrested the white hat control on the narrative is lost.
It's a huge, risk laden move that I don't think they would try unless everything else has gone sideways.
He would have to be arrested by white hats, otherwise he would be in grave danger.
If he is arrested then the DS will be even more brazen. The memes and Maga movement will continue because people are awake. The states must unify and act collectively to erase the federal government.
the raid is nudging some normies a bit out of their cognitive dissonance. if the same was turned on to HRC, O'Biden, etc, the leftists would spin it as retaliation, not justice and the normies wouldn't know the difference. I see this working out badly.