The problem with the NIV is that it was written by unsaved men, who denied the Divinity of Jesus Christ. God wants you to study His word and that includes learning the language of our forefathers. You'll never be able to replace the beauty and the grace of the Elizabethan English with this muffled nonsense that we speak today.
I've been reading both KJV and then the same passages in NIV back to back, it's really easy when you're reading digitally using the bible app, it's even got an audiobook option to read along with.
I guess what I'm trying to say is the KJV is translated as well, and a lot is lost in the translation. Scholars can tell you that many Hebrew words have various meanings and are hard to pinpoint in various texts.
I love to see these Bible verses but King James version is difficult to read. I like the NIV version.
The problem with the NIV is that it was written by unsaved men, who denied the Divinity of Jesus Christ. God wants you to study His word and that includes learning the language of our forefathers. You'll never be able to replace the beauty and the grace of the Elizabethan English with this muffled nonsense that we speak today.
I tried many times to read it but I can't grasp the meaning.
Sometimes you have to pray to Him to reveal it to you. It is part of relying on Him for your wisdom, instead of another man.
Plus you get to experience the absolute joy of receiving an answer from Him.
Well after 60 years nothing was revealed. By reading NIV it has.
I've been reading both KJV and then the same passages in NIV back to back, it's really easy when you're reading digitally using the bible app, it's even got an audiobook option to read along with.
The language's' of our forefathers are Hebrew, Greek and Latin.
If you were God would you give a Bible to people that they can't read? Or would you provided in their own language?
I guess what I'm trying to say is the KJV is translated as well, and a lot is lost in the translation. Scholars can tell you that many Hebrew words have various meanings and are hard to pinpoint in various texts.
Respect your opinion but KJV is usually the best version. Others are tampered. Get the whole truth. God's truth. KJV.
Thank you for your insight.