The weather fear porn channel is so far removed from what it was just a few years ago. Hyping any weather event and drawing broad conclusions over things that have been happening for thousands of years.
Their copious segments on preparation and massive destruction are sitting in the edit room, unused. Don't worry they said, hurricane season is just peaking and there's still hope for a CAT 5!!
You have to realize The Weather Channel business model. Hurricane Season is where they make about 1/2 their advertising money.
When hurricanes are developing or approaching the U.S. coast, tens of Millions of people tune in to the Weather Channel. That's why they place dozens of storm chasers and reporters along the coast ahead of the storm. They will report on every blade of grass or tree limb blowing in the wind... or any rain that falls like it's impending doom. They hype the storm to get even more people watching and to keep their audience.
No hurricanes = zero people watching The Weather Channel. Ad revenue goes to zero.
The Weather Channel doesn't necessarily want one BIG Cat-5 hurricane. That's also not good for business. What they want is three Cat-2 hurricanes and at least one Cat-4 to maximize profits.
The Weather Channel is a monopoly. They SHILL climate change. They do provide important content. But it is a monopoly.
Climate change is the foundation for zero carbon, which is a worldwide destruction of economies and human beings. I see it for what it is.
It also puts things into perspective when you realize weather engineering is real and has been since the Vietnam War. Makes you wonder if there's some backroom dealing with HAARP to create a certain amount of storms per year or something. Complete conjecture but the tech is real and knowing how everything has become monetized I wouldn't be shocked in the least.