The Pit Part 2: This is what we little Pedes didn't hear on Saturday. RSBN tonight at 7 pm
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These people need to do a better job about getting this information out to people. Get it out, break it into achievable and accessible chunks, index it, and host it centrally where someone who is interested can go and get the whole picture. It's not nearly so simple as people think.
These people seem to be really good at getting their chunk, but no one does the broader "literature review" to give a larger narrative.
Example: We all know Benghazi happened, Syria had a civil war, Iran's going for nukes, and now Russia's in Ukraine. Well, so what?
The central tie here is Europe's energy needs and Europe's greed. In 2009, Muammar Khadaffi was a very popular leader in Africa, but he made the mistake of threatening to create a gold-backed, pan-African currency and central bank to help Africa finance it's own development. Naturally, France knew this was a threat to their colonial empire in West Africa, and the bankers knew it was a threat to their own global control of currency. So, with Hillary Clinton's eager support (she was after the kids in the chaos), French-led NATO destroys Libya in a few weeks. Khadaffi is captured by Islamists, dragged through the streets, skinning him alive, gang raped, sodomized with knives for hours, and then butchered. The reason this was permitted was to send a message.
The catch was that in doing this, they lost control over 35% of Europe's oil flow which had come from Libya. Oops. Well, they thought, "we'll get oil from northern Iraq." They put together a plan for a pipeline through Syria to Israel or Turkey, then across the Mediterranean to Italy. But Bashar Al-Assad wouldn't play ball. He wanted too big a chunk of the profit. So, he had to be regime changed. Naturally, the CIA came to the rescue by arming moderate Islamists (I know, right?) to overthrow Al-Assad and install a Euro-friendly puppet gov't. Naturally, CIA screwed it up, they pulled weapons from the wrong Islamists in Libya to arm the Syrians. The Libyans killed our ambassador in Benghazi, and the moderate rebels in Syria who got the weapons ended up becoming ISIS. The Russians eventually stepped in to stop the bloodshed, so Europe needed a new plan.
So, they started a two-prong approach. They'd go for Iranian oil and bring the pipeline around Syria, which was longer, harder to make through the mountains, and much more expensive. All they had to do was buy off the Mullahs. So, they promised trade and normalize relations, but that wasn't good enough. Iran wanted nukes. Since Iran had them by the balls, they agreed and we got John Kerry trying to pull a fast one on the Israelis, who naturally didn't want Iran nuking them. That whole thing became a quagmire, but Iran ended up proving defiant and now it has the components to make nuclear weapons if it wishes, Europe is trading openly with them, and China is buying their oil in gold, instead of Europe buying it with Euros. Mission: failed.
The other prong was the "green energy" push. They knew the tech wasn't ready, but they desperately needed something, so they dumped truckloads of money on bird blenders and solar panels. Most importantly, they shoveled money into academia hoping that something, anything, would save them: fusion, wind, solar, biofuels, tidal harnesses, you name it, they funded it, and it bled them dry. Worse, they got next to nothing to show for it: unreliable energy sources that mess up their energy grid, and which can't be relied upon in German winters or to run German factories. Oops.
So, they went, as a last resort, hat-in-hand to Europe's gas station: Russia. This is how they got Nordstream 1 and Nordstream 2, and how Europe became dependent on Russia to survive. Naturally, when that's your life line, and Putin plays hardball (and he does), the Euros got a little combative and started annexing up the former Soviet bloc countries. NATO protection was extended and defensive missile systems (which can become offensive by simply selecting a target that hasn't attacked yet) were parked all within range of Moscow and more importantly within range of major Russian military bases in the Arctic near Finland. Their nuclear subs operate out of those bases. Their entire Atlantic fleet operates out of those bases. And many of their nuke sites are there. Naturally, Putin told them to stop. They signed treaties agreeing, then broke them because that's what arrogant "God's Chosen" do. No, they're not all Jews, but enough of them are, and they all share the supremacist mindset.
Eventually, Putin said "enough", and now we have a war in Ukraine all because Muammar Ghadaffi threatened to actually help Africa break free of it's colonial status, and TPTB didn't like it.
TLDR: We need people who can tell the whole story.
You are obviously one of the people we need. I also see a great need to return to story telling. Not the artificial narratives weaponized against us but true story telling . That is the way humanity has absorbed information for millenia. I think that a piece of what The Pit is meant to do is exactly that which is why all of the influencers were invited. It's just that not many of them, especially many of the 'names' are actually very good at the story telling and writing. Mostly they report. Now if they had invited a cadre of true authors to The Pit I think we'd get what you are asking for but it would take a year or so to get it out to the public. So for now, at this end of it, we get bits and pieces and drips and it's up to each of us to make our own sense of things, for now. If I won the lottery I'd provide grants to real authors willing to take on explaining big chunks of the story and to screen writers who could write the movies or documentaries.