What's the 411, frens?
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Yes, but she has deep pockets in the Good Old Boy republican party, so we'll see. I was at the Anchorage Trump rally, and if that was any indication, Lisa will be gone. With the nefarious ranked choice voting though, she'll be on the general election ballot along with three others. That's where she'll try to make her stand. So it's not over yet. We're fighting three demons - ranked choice voting, Dominion voting machines, and the Murkowski dynasty. We'd appreciate your prayers.
Yeah. Thanks. The Alaskans I know / knew were fiercely independent and would have shown her the door, but a lot has changed so, we'll see. Thanks for the input.
Many Alaskans still are fiercely independent, but there has been a purposeful flood of outside liberal money that seeks to sway unthinking or distracted people away from the truth. Unfortunately, in this election even our own Elections Board outright lied and misled voters in their advertisements for and "explanations" about ranked choice voting. That will be Patriots' first target - getting rid of ranked choice voting, which doesn't help anyone but those who would otherwise lose a straightforward and honest election.
We need to take outside money out of politics. Nobody but Alaskans should be determining Alaska's election winners. Same for every state. This soros and hollywood and foreign money, etc. needs to end. Now.
All money for any candidate should only come from constituents in every election nationwide. Nothing other than personal donations. Donations should be published online and at local gov buildings within 48 hour. Donors must also live in that territory more than 6 months out of the year as a permanent/home address. Only money from the people you will represent and nowhere else.
I think all big money should be gone from politics. It should be a calling, not a career.
Just give them each one web page to state their views and answer questions. 😁
A big problem is there are a lot of new liberal faces in Alaska in the last 10 years. They shouldn't be allowed to vote.
I think this has been a huge issue over the last several years that is under the radar. I remember talking about it several years ago when it came out there was some guy in Marin County giving money to a race in the SE somewhere. I remember telling a friend of mine it wasn't any of our business as to what people 3000 miles away wanted in their representatives because we didn't live in that community. Granted, I know more now, but my feelings remain the same.
I think Dianne Feinstein thinks California owns Alaska. She may not be the only fruitcake in Cali that thinks this way. Look out Alaska.
Fiercely independent doesn't necessarily mean voting for patriotic populists, who want to drain the swamp. Alaska is little like the wild west. With that comes people living there having a checkered past and others are outright sociopaths. The vast majority of Alaskans are good decent people though.
What is ranked choice voting? Thanks Fren!